Business Project: Consultancy An Option rather than the Research Project (all individual) or Services Marketing Unit (taught unit)
Why do this rather than the ‘Research Project’ or ‘Services Marketing You don’t mind that 30% of your Marks will be jointly earned – The Client Report You are happy that 30% of your marks will come from an individual presentation You prefer fewer words to write – 40% of the marks come from a final written Reflective submission (3,000 words) 9/12/2018 Event Name and Venue
What is BPC? Working with a client to achieve specific research objectives Scoping, planning, and completing a project Working with others – 30% of your marks are a from the Group Report Conducting research: primary and secondary Drawing conclusions and making recommendations Presenting and report writing Reflecting on the process (start on day one. Keep a diary)
Sample Client Projects Local Creative Recruitment Agency wants to: understand the Competition; get their fees to be profitable but competitive; assess the effectiveness of their online activities Local Bar/Club wishes to increase the use of a space above the bar. 9/12/2018 Event Name and Venue
How will I be assessed? No exam!! You need to deliver a real project for a real client Five key tasks: Produce a project plan (1,000 words – not marked) Write a report for the client (30% - group mark) Present your report to the client (not marked) Present an academic summary (30% - individual mark) Write a reflective essay (3,000 words – 40% - individual mark)
Key Dates Item Assessment Name Hand-in date Individual/Group Submission Weighting 1 Project objectives and plan October 2016 Group (hand in direct to tutor) Approx. 1000 words Required (Not marked) 2 Client Report February 2017 One person only from each group (submit electronically to Turnitin via Moodle) and in hard copy No max word count 30% (Group Grade) 3 Client Presentation All presentations to be completed in Feb 2017 This is a group presentation. All members of the group must contribute to the outcome 4 Academic Presentation All presentations to be completed in March 2017. Confirmation of dates to be discussed with individual group tutors Presentation to be part of a group framework, but will be graded individually. Handouts to be provided to tutor during session 30% (Individual Grade) 5 Reflective Essay Monday 18th April 2017 Individual (submit electronically to Turnitin via Moodle) and in hard copy Max 3000 words 40% (Individual Grade)
Key texts Biggs, D. (2010). Management Consulting: A Guide for Students Wickham, L. and Wilcock, J. (2012). Management Consulting (e-book)
Groups Groups of 6 max Can be self-selected 9
What can BPC do for me? My CV!! We did some research and presented a report to the manager I led and managed a team of students in a project to investigate a decline in profits of an SME. As a direct result, wastage and duplication was reduced by 20% and the board of directors refocused the business to address key priorities. The company has adopted my recommendations in full, which has led to an increase in profits of 15% in the first quarter 10
More information needed? Ask Cathy Bakewell 9/12/2018 Event Name and Venue