Slide Deck 5: Post-Election Analysis
Why is it important to review the results of the territorial election and Student Vote?
The outcome of the election impacts the future direction of the territory and the government
The Opening Address The opening address (also known as the throne speech) outlines the government’s plans and initiatives The speech is delivered by the Commissioner of Nunavut at the beginning of each new session of the legislative assembly
Election Results After the close of voting on General Voting Day, election officials count the ballots who share them with Elections Nunavut, who share the results publicly Results are released on an ongoing basis throughout election night and sometimes the following day
Members of the Legislative Assembly In Nunavut, all Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) are elected as independent candidates in their constituencies The consensus style is considered more in keeping with the way that Inuit have traditionally made decisions Unanimous agreement is not necessary for decisions to be made, motions passed or legislation enacted in the Legislative Assembly. For most matters, a simple majority vote is required 6
Selecting the Cabinet Following a general election, MLAs gather for the Nunavut Leadership Forum to select the speaker, premier and ministers in a secret ballot election. This process is open to the public to observe After the election, the territorial commissioner, on recommendation of the Legislative Assembly, formally appoints the premier and executive council (cabinet ministers)
Cabinet Solidarity Cabinet solidarity is required, although ministers are expected to voice their views during cabinet and committee deliberations Once a collective decision has been reached, all ministers are expected to publicly support it
Members of the Legislative Assembly have a variety of tools with which to hold the government accountable The government is required to provide public written responses to oral and written questions, and petitions and reports
Debrief What was your reaction to the election results? What do you think that the priorities of the new Nunavut government will be? In what ways can you remain involved in politics between elections?