TECHITALY 2016 Circular Economy «Challenges and opportunities for the Italian cleantech industries» Stefano Fantacone President of Lazio Innova Brussels, 29th-30th november 2016
Smart Strategy: three priorities innovation research make Lazio a "great European Region of Innovation" with an international dimension, R&D, innovation and competitiveness-internationalization process, enhancing technology transfer and innovation of products / processes / services to enter the international value chain. research design and implement the trajectory of specialisation of the regional economy and the enhancement of industrial research of the territory through the transformative power of "spatial matrix technologies" internationalization take Lazio to the top of the European benchmarks in internationalization projecting a renewed ability to compete of regional entrepreneurs to the markets of strategic interest.
The Smart Specialisation Model Smart solutions for Health Security Management and enhancement of cultural heritage Green economy Food Financial and non financial support for R&D Growth of human capital Standard, regulations & smart procurement Strenghts in Aerospace and Bioscience Enabling technologies (ICT, digital & creative industries) Feedback from support to R&D and transfer of innovation Feedback from support to human capital and entrepreneurship
Call for proposals From the entrepreneurial process discovery to the self discovery of industrial policy: the main target of the S3 philosofy 173 project proposals More than1,000 economic actors € 2.3 billion of potential investment 106 projects with research institutions 27 projects led by research organizations 10 projects led by large companies 10 projects led by business associations
Geographic localization Call for proposals - Circular economy Total investments: € 275.016.000 Average investment: € 11.459.000 N. of proposals: 24 Multisector Geographic localization
SCREEN - Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions – Topics and Objectives Topic: Horizon 2020 CIRC-03-2016 Type of action: Coordinating/Supporting Action EC grant: € 1.742.747,50 Duration:24 moths, started on 01/11/2016 Objective: to develop an EU reference framework for: Sustaining the regional stakeholders involved in circular economy activities in line with the Smart Specialisation of each region. Connecting the above mentioned actors in a trans regional operational framework. Maximizing the H2020 impact by supporting “circular” entrepreneurial initiatives based on the exploitation of H2020 projects’ results.
SCREEN - Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions - Partners Regione Lazio is the coordinator of Screen project. The aims of the project is the definition of a replicable systemic approach towards a transition to Circular Economy in EU regions within the context of the Smart Specialization Strategy, through the identification and implementation of operational synergies between R&I investments from H2020 and the European Structural and Investment Funds, thus contributing to novel future eco-innovative and horizontal business models across different value chains”. 12 Partners: 10 European Regions and provinces + 1 national Institution + 1 University Regione Lazio; Università degli Studi della Tuscia (Unitus), Regione Lombardia, Comunidad Foral de Navarra - Gobierno de Navarra (Spagna), Comissao de Coordenacao e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro (Portogallo), Wojewodztwo Lodzkie (Polonia), Kriti Region (Grecia), Nexa - Agence Regionale de developpement d'investissement et d'innovation (Francia), Knowledge Transfer Network Limited (UK), Limburg Province (Olanda), Province Fryslan (Olanda) Tampere (Finlandia).
SCREEN - Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions – Expected impacts Common agreed approach to support a transition to a circular economy and to enhance existing smart specialization strategies of the involved regions. Development of some policy support advisory services to enable regions to invest EU funds in trans-national value chain that will be identified and ranked by adopting common criteria.
SCREEN - Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions – Outcome The first project outcome will be a common agreed procedure that will be replicable all over the European Union, based the following 4 pillars: Identification of the main research & innovation and industrial initiatives and capabilities within the different EU Regions. Identification of promising cross-regional value-chain synergies that could boost new circular economy businesses driven by cross-sectorial exchange of resources and products. Commonly agreed classification system for Circular Economy initiatives, considering the market value, the social, environmental and economic impact, the innovation relevance, and the environmental/policy relevance. Identification of a portfolio of investment instruments for the complementary application of the support given by Horizon 2020, structural funds of each of the involved regions and EIB investments funds, targeted to the Circular Economy Initiatives.
Thanks for your attention Stefano Fantacone President of Lazio Innova