U.S.History Mrs. Mualem 2016-2017
About Me I live in Dearborn, near Dearborn High. I am married and have a son (age 12), who is in the 7th grade at Sacred Heart School, and a daughter (age 23), who is a nurse. I have been teaching in Dearborn for 28 years, and at Bryant for 24 years. I earned my undergrad. degree from Hillsdale College, and graduate degrees from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. I enjoy biking, tennis and golf.
Family, life’s busy; still having fun SIX WORD MEMOIRS Family, life’s busy; still having fun
Class Materials: At least 1½” three-ring binder Package of 5 – tab dividers Notebook paper Pens (blue or black ink) RED PENS for correcting Flash drive Colored pencils Pencil sharpener* Highlighters* Post-it Notes* Tissues/wipes* *Optional
Routines & Lesson Plans Class time will be a combination of direct instruction, independent practice, class discussion, and group activities. Daily bell work Daily writing assignments Quizzes (summative) Tests (summative) NO RETAKES ALL LESSON PLANS & ASSIGNMENTS POSTED ON THE BLOG OR ILEARN. SUBSCRIBE TO THE BLOG AND CREATE AN ILEARN ACCOUNT.
Class Rules: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Class Rules: 2. Responsibility
Class Rules: 3. Attendance
Class Rules: 4. Attention/Engaged
Class Rules: 5. Be Prepared!
Take personal responsibility for your behavior!
Homework Designed to prepare students for class assignments and/or extend learning beyond the classroom. Students should expect some out-of-class work in the form of larger projects (summative) or assignments to assess skills and knowledge over long-range time period. Homework=20% of the grade (AND YES THOSE POINTS ADD UP)
Late Work Students must turn in a “Missing Work Log” in lieu of the assignment. Points deducted for late work. (one day late) Parents contacted on major assignments OR when missing work exceeds three assignments.
Make-up Work Responsibility of the student to check the Blog, the Class Table of Contents, and Student Connect for absent work. Work should be made up within two days (school policy) for each class day missed.
Assessment & Grading Assessment will be a combination of test/quizzes, projects, presentations, and writing assignments. (80% of grade) Grades calculated using a TOTAL POINTS system. All grades will be posted on MISTAR as they are updated.
Stay in Touch Subscribe to the blog. Check Student/Parent Connect multiple times per week.
American History Information Teacher: Mrs. Mualem How to reach us: 313 827-2900 *(quickest communication) mualeml@dearbornschools.org Student Use: A textbook, The American Nation, which is to be kept at home and History Alive, which is used in class. Older versions of the History Alive text and on-line subscriptions are available for student use and check out. A binder to keep all materials for class Paper, writing tools, dividers, flash drive, colored pencils, pencil sharpener. Students are graded on: Assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, essays, bell work, etc. A point value is assigned for each item. Most work is graded on a 6 point scale (see below). To give certain assignments more weight (tests, projects, etc.) more weight is assigned. For example, a test may be worth 18 points, and bell work may be worth 6 points. Grades will be weighted using the 80% (summative) and 20% (formative) assessment weights. The school wide grading scale will be followed. 100-99 A+ 98-93 A 92-90 A- 89-88 B+ 87-83 B 82-80 B- 79-78 C+ 77-73 C 72-70 C- 69-68 D+ 67-63 D 62-60 D-
American History Information, Cntd. Interpreting the 6 point scale: 6 indicates that the student exceeded the expectation/standard 5 indicates that the student met the expectation/standard 4 indicates that the student was below the standard/expectation 3 indicates that the student turned in something that doesn’t fit what was asked 0 means that there was nothing done. Students will have the option to redo all work that is scored below a 5. They will have two days to resubmit their work and earn additional credit. If late work becomes excessive for a student, the student will have the option to complete the work in an after school setting, and submit the work by the next day. Please understand that the work is assigned to supplement and reinforce what we are learning in class. It is beneficial for students to complete all of the work on time. To find out how your child is progressing: Check Parent Connect often. email any concerns that you may have. Check our class blog for the weekly assignments an announcements. Go to http://iblog.dearbornschools.org/mualem/ and create a subscription for both parent and student. It is essential that you add your email to the blog to receive e-blasts an updates. Check you child’s planner daily. When a student is absent: It is the student’s responsibility to check the blog an obtain binder assignments and handouts from a buddy and the Interactive Student Binder located in classroom.
Parent Contact Information Child’s Name ________________________________ Mother / Guardian ________________________________ Father/ Guardian ________________________________ Address: Home Phone: Mother’s cell phone and email: Father’s cell phone and email: Additional contact information: Information that would help your child’s learning: I have read the information letter that my child has brought home regarding class procedures and I have subscribed to the class blog. Parent Signature____________________________________________________________________