Rulers of Ancient Egypt Land of the Pharaohs Rulers of Ancient Egypt
Pharaohs Pharaohs were considered both divine deities & mortal rulers 30+ dynasties, more than 170 rulers spanning 3000 years The throne was intended to be passed from father to son not always the case
Pharaohs Ruled between 3150 B.C. and 30 B.C. New Family = New Kingdom Ended when Rome conquered Egypt New Family = New Kingdom Rulers intermarried with relatives to keep the throne within the family Control of Egypt still changed hands “pharaoh” means the “great house” and refers to the royal palace
Timeline 3100 – 2686 BCE Early Dynastic Period 2686 – 2181 BCE Old Kingdom 2181 – 2055 BCE 1st Intermediate Period 2055 – 1650 BCE Middle Kingdom 1650 – 1550 BCE 2nd Intermediate Period 1550 – 1069 BCE New Kingdom 1069 – 664 BCE 3rd Intermediate Period 664 – 332 BCE Late Period 525 – 332 BCE Achaemenid Egypt 332 – 30 BCE Ptolemaic Egypt
Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom United Under… King Menes King Mentuhotep Pharaoh Ahmose I Capital Memphis Thebes Age of… “Age of Pyramids” Construction Egyptian Art Sculptures "Golden Age“ Stability Territorial expansion "Imperial Age" Expansion period Military conquest Peak of power Prosperous Pharaoh Burial Location Pyramids Hidden tombs The Valley of the Kings Pharaohs inaccessible god-king who rules absolutely over his people the “shepherd of his people” with the task to build public works and produce for the welfare of the state a leader and ruler of an empire, but also as an important figure in religion and religious practice
Menes Early Dynastic Period- started First Dynasty Founded City of Memphis good location Strong defensive position unify upper and lower Egypt
Popular Pharaohs Djoser Thutmose III Amenhotep III ruled during the Old Kingdom built the first true stone pyramid, the Step Pyramid Thutmose III ruled 1479–1425 BCE 6th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. created the largest empire ever in Egypt’s History Amenhotep III ruled 1391–1353 BCE 9th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty ruled during the peak of Egypt's power.
Popular Pharaohs Hatshepsut Akhenaten Khufu ruled 1478 – 1458 BCE during the New Kingdom 2nd Female ruler organized military campaigns & trade expeditions for exotic goods Akhenaten ruled 1353 –1336 BCE during the New Kingdom forbid the worship of the old gods worship of his god, Aten. Khufu ruled during the Old Kingdom built the Great Pyramid
Popular Pharaohs Ramses II Ramses III Cleopatra VII Ruled 1279–1213 BCE during the New Kingdom many of his building projects still standing today sired over 100 children with more than a dozen wives Ramses III Ruled 1186–1155 BCE the last king of the New Kingdom saw the decline of Egyptian political and economic power He was murdered by one of his wives Cleopatra VII 51–12 BCE Ptolemaic Egypt, last pharaoh ruled beside three pharaohs lover of Julius Caesar & Marc Antony After rule, Egypt became Province of Rome
Popular Pharaohs Tutankhamun “King Tut” 1332–1323 BCE, New Kingdom after death of Akhenaten (Father) restored capital to Thebes and worship of the old gods Pharaoh at 9, Died at 18 Death Not an Assassination combined effects of Malaria, broken leg, genetic defects (parents were siblings) Tomb discovered in 1907 (Valley of the Kings) by Howard Carter Most complete Egyptian Burial Tomb ever discovered
Crowns White Crown - the crown of Upper Egypt Red Crown - the crown of Lower Egypt Double Crown - the combined crown of Upper and Lower Egypt which symbolized the pharaoh’s control of both regions Blue Crown - wore in battle and during some ceremonies.
Capitals Memphis Thebes Alexandria Akhetaten Old Kingdom built at the mouth of the Nile Delta important trade center, necropolis includes Pyramids of Giza Thebes Middle and New Kingdoms Necropolis includes Valley of the Kings Alexandria Founded by Alexander the Great Ptolemaic period rulers built the Great Lighthouse and the Library Akhetaten the capital of Egypt during the reign of Akhenaten abandoned after his death.
Burial believed the body's preservation = the soul’s survival in the afterlife. pharaohs began building tomb soon after assuming the throne contained a wide variety of goods: clothes, furniture, games and jewelry priests began burying them with items made for the afterlife Clay figurines to serve the pharaoh, food, and oil Style of Tombs changed due to Grave Robbers Underground tombs offered more protection