Post GS Gliding for Air Cadets.


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Presentation transcript:

Post GS Gliding for Air Cadets

To encourage more young people to take up a career in aviation. WHY? To encourage more young people to take up a career in aviation. To keep Air Cadets flying post GS. To give a structured transition to sport gliding. To strengthen links between ACO and BGA clubs So that gliding and aviation flourishes Feel it is important to have a defined route into Civilian gliding. Historically there has been poor understanding in Sport Gliding of how Air Cadets are trained and what skill level they attain when completing a GS through VGSs. Conversion Syllabus and material written for BGA club members to educate and enable wider understanding of what / how sport gliding is undertaken. Essential for development of Cadet Careers in aviation Enable aviation to flourish

Build on the work completed by ACO WHAT? Build on the work completed by ACO Structured approach to those that want to continue flying Aimed at Cadets post GS ONLY Junior Gliding Centres – Specialist Centres focused on young people and their needs Structured approach – Syllabus and also Junior Gliding Centres with a focus on young people. This is essential to it being appropriate to young people involved. In addition selection of gliding clubs that become JGCs requires Child Protection and club structure in place to accommodate young people in a suitable environment. As well as a structured team to co-ordinate the events and way this takes place at the JGC.

BGA Scholarship Scheme - Funded by GAPAN and Air League Educational Trust 80 scholarships available for 2009/2010 Each worth £200 Junior Gliding Centres and communication through for anyone young in gliding. This portal will be active for people to find out about all gliding opportunities. In addition plan to extend the scheme nationally in 2010 + Scholarship Scheme of £200 flying credit for cadets once they have joined a JGC and flown £50 worth of club flying. See website for details. Very few restrictions. Intention that if successful there will be more flying for Cadets and funding in future years. In addition we envisage Cadets mentoring young pilots that join the system and to come back to your VGSs with more experience as Staff Cadets etc.

What’s It All About Bridge from ACO gliding to sport gliding Develop the Cadet’s flying skills Financial assistance Having fun What are we trying to achieve?

What is Sport Gliding? Whatever the pupil wants it to be! Cross-country Competitions Aerobatics Just flying for fun

Civilian gliding is “different” A JGC will expect members to “muck in” Fly throughout the winter as well as summer Help with jobs on the airfield Show commitment Push themselves The pupil sets the targets The reason the percentage of Cadets continuing their gliding through the BGA system is historically so low is down to the fact that it hasn’t been well structured to enable them to adapt to the different environment. We have begun educating clubs about the different style of gliding. With assistance from yourselves we would be keen to further this education. What do we expect from the Cadets that take up this opportunity.

What does it cost - What do they get? At “X JGC” the pupil must pay: £…… annual subscription to “y” scheme £50 into their flying account Can then apply for the £200 BGA bursary About “z” winch launches Obviously it is not free. The annual fee at “X JGC” is £….. For a junior pilot. This compares to £….. For a full member. Once the Cadet has joined however and spent £50 on their flying fees they can apply for a BGA Bursary. (In hardship cases this £50 flying fees can be waived) This is only possible as the exception and I would ask the individual squadron leader to talk direct with HQ ACO and Mike Douglass about the case and ask Mike to Liaise with Andy Perkins to ensure that help is provided to keep that Cadet gliding.

Next Steps... Spread the word Put Cadets forward for bursaries Make contact with the nearest JGC Ask “X JGC” to provide a winter lecture at Squadrons in your Region/Wing Perhaps “X JGC” would like to give a winter lecture on gliding. We have an outline presentation available in the resource pack.

Nearest Junior Gliding Centre? “X JGC” Gliding Centre “Address” “Distance from nearest town”

For More details: Add your web address and contact details here

When? TOMORROW? We are keen to get the ball rolling. If you would like to come a visit us then please do and bring some Cadets with you…….