Leading for the Future National Middle Schools Conference October 2006 Malcolm Newsam Director of Children’s Services Bedfordshire County Council
Strengths of Middle schools Limited age range Gradual transition Specialist staff and facilities Outstanding pastoral care Driving enjoyment as well as achievement Loved by parents and pupils.
Challenges Declining numbers across the country Recruitment and training Continuity and progression Accountability Standards at Key Stage 2.
Meeting the challenges Strategic view of the whole system Personalisation and ICT 3 to 19 agenda Co-operation within pyramids Professional development Moving staff between tiers Free flow of information.
Leading for the Future Middle schools… Driving innovation and creativity Being an exemplar for cooperation Leading on the needs of vulnerable children Delivering the five outcomes Building an education system for the 21st century.
A vision for the future High ambition for our children and young people A fabric of integrated services from early years to 19 A skilled and knowledgeable workforce Embracing personalisation and ICT Confident and challenging leadership Children and young people actively engaged.