FTK infrastructure in USA15 Status and plans for 2015 A FTK infrastructure in USA15 Status and plans for 2015 A. Lanza – INFN Pavia FDR FTK AMB – CERN May 6th, 2015
(almost) Final core rack layout The four core racks will be equipped with two crates (not a news) Number of fan trays per crate is still undetermined, could be one on top, one on bottom or both The power supply is still an open issue. At this moment Wiener is not able to give us a PS with enough power serving two crates in one rack, while CAEN has not yet delivered its custom prototype The PS choice will have an impact on the fan tray choice. The Wiener Hyper Blower (HB) is not compatible with the CAEN PS 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
But for the tests in 2015 … … we will equip two racks with one crate each in two different setups: one rack equipped with the Wiener system, with the possibility of placing a second fan tray on top of the crate (almost ready now) another rack equipped with the Wiener bin combined with the CAEN PS. Like the first setup, a second fan tray can be placed on top of the crate (ready in September) Both setups will be used for comparative cooling tests with a small number of boards (16 AMB + 16 AUX + 4 SSB) They will also be used to test the boards themselves and for taking data with them The fan tray on bottom of the Wiener system is of the HB type. Fan trays on top of crates in both systems can only be of custom design, for mechanical incompatibility of the HB, as well as the one on top of the Wiener crate using the CAEN PS 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
Status of Integration Projects – 1 CAEN Power Supply Main specifications: 2 independent channels supplying 48V, 24V and 5V Each channel 48V@150A, 24V@35A, 5V@120A, total power 8.64kW/channel INPUT voltage separated for each channel, 3-phase 5 poles OUTPUT connectors made of M13 bolts, minimum distance among bolts 5 cm External interface implemented remotely by means of the Ethernet (SNMP) protocol and locally by means of a manual display Local/Remote controls: V/I monitor and ON/OFF for each voltage output Dimensions: 19” large, 9U tall and 680 mm deep EU conformity marking One sample ordered Delivery expected by next August 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
Status of Integration Projects - 2 Custom fan tray A custom fan tray is necessary because of the incompatibility of the Wiener HB with the CAEN PS. This project begun after the last review Chosen fan type: Sanyo Denki 9GV1224P1J011, 24VDC (for compatibility with the Wiener HB), 6.35 m3/min max air flow [5.92 the HB], 360 Pa max static pressure [360 the HB], pulse sensor for speed monitoring [no HB], 25kHz PWM for speed control [no HB], expected lifetime 40k hours [35k for HB], reduced cost Mechanics is different for the bottom and top versions, in order to leave 1U of open space between the fans and the bin Electronic Controls and Monitor is implemented with an Arduino microcontroller, Mega 2560 type, equipped with a local display for every fan tray DCS is performed by means of a CANBus interface. Local/remote ON/OFF, four speeds (40%, 60%, 80% and 100%) settable within three different horizontal groups of fans, six T sensors positioned inside the fan tray to monitor the environmental temperature 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
Fan tray project – µController schematics 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
Fan tray project – Power distribution schematics 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
Fan tray project – Layouts µcontroller board Power distribution board 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
Fan tray project – Demonstrator To the right the demonstrator of the functionality of the project, composed of the final display, a connectivity breadboard, the Arduino µcontroller and three final fans. The displayed parameters are the generated by the wiritten firmware running on the Arduino 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
DCS Implementing the solution recommended by the ATLAS DCS coordination: 2 LCS: one for the ATCA crates and the other for the VME crates. They will be linked to the TDAQ SCS (Subdetector Control System). Racks will be monitored via the CIC (Common Infrastructure and Control) system The VME LCS will collect data from: the custom fan trays (Arduino µcontrollers) via CANBus. Needed to develop low level communication protocol over the CANBus (set/get fan values) Wiener fan trays and PS (if used) or CAEN PS via Ethernet. WinCC interface modules are already available LAMBs (T sensors) via a dedicated application running in the SBC. Protocol to use will be probably SNMP Tests will be done in Blg 4 Lab (during the ATLAS run) and then in USA15 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
Thermal simulations of core crates and racks Up to now thermal simulations were provided by IMEC, which modeled a single Wiener VME crate together with the AMchip and the AMB and LAMB boards, and performed simulations of a VME crate fully loaded of AMBs and LAMBs under different conditions of fan speed and air flow Recently we purchased an Icepack licence, the Ansys simulation package used by IMEC, to continue the work done by them. A team of two engineers from University of Parma will take care of using this package and running it on a computer (20 CPUs, 128 GB RAM, 16 TB SS disk + hard disk) specifically dedicated to thermal simulations We are still solving a technical problem (the computer IP must be an INFN one, while it is at the moment UniPR) to be allowed to install Icepack Once the package will be installed, our plan is: Replicate the results got by IMEC on the single crate in the same conditions; Simulate a crate with two fan trays (on bottom and on top), introducing the custom fan tray and also varying the distance between fans and crate Try to simulate, if the computer power will allow it in a reasonable time, a full rack with two systems and the turbine on top, to see what could be the flow perturbation introduced by it. 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza
Detailed Time Schedule 06/05/2015 FDR of FTK AMB - A. Lanza