Time Management Week Two
Question of the Day First name, last name, Group number (5) What do you like to do in your free time? Please write 3-4 complete sentences answering the question.
Time Management What is it? Why is it important? How do you start?
Getting Started First, write down the times you know you are NOT free. (include: sleeping, eating, activities with friends, classes, travel time to get to and from places like school, getting ready in the morning time etc.) Now you can identify the times you are free. Next, write down important dates Include exams, events, assignment due dates etc. Next, set your goals
SMART Goals S – specific M – measurable A – attainable R - relevant T – time-bound
Specific What exactly do you want to achieve? Don’t be vague. Ex. I want to be able to write with minimal mistakes vs. I want to be fluent in English
Measurable How will you measure your progress? Include numbers – this step is quantifiable Ex. I will write one paragraph with no more than two mistakes.
Attainable Is it possible to achieve your goal? Challenge yourself but be realistic. Ex. I want to write one paragraph with no more than two mistakes vs. I want to write a twenty page monograph today with zero mistakes
Relevant Why is this goal important to you? What makes you want to achieve this goal? Ex. I want to write with few mistakes so I can write and publish a paper.
Time-Bound When will you achieve your goal? What is your deadline? Ex. I will write one paragraph with few mistakes by Monday. Or the end of the semester.
SMART Goals S – specific M – measurable A – attainable R - relevant T – time-bound
Long and Short Term Planning Why is it important to plan both in the long term and short term? What does a long term plan look like? What does a short term plan look like?
Long Term Planning Semester long or year long plans Include events, holidays, and trips Include major assignments such as exams or projects Include regular events (classes)
Long-Term Planning
Short Term Calendar Refer to your long term calendar – what do you need to get done today? This week? Make a to-do list Prioritize – rank the tasks on your list by importance and urgency
Short-Term Calendar Make sure you have enough time for all your tasks – factor in extra time Finish one task before you start another – don’t be in the middle of ten things at once! Reward yourself when you finish a task Don’t schedule study time for too long – you need breaks! Your brain is a muscle. It needs rest. Scheduling breaks helps you avoid procrastination.
Short-Term Calendar Plan in advance This means getting ready for the next day the day before, the next week at the beginning of the week on Saturday or Sunday
Tools to help you plan Google calendar Wunderlist Daily planners There are many…
Practice – Short Term Planning It’s Saturday morning and I am in my first year of university in the U.S.. On the following slide I will give you my schedule and my tasks for the week. Your task is to create a short term plan for me. Think about: How long will each task take? What are all the steps that need to be completed? When is each task due? What are the most important tasks for each day? What are my priorities? When do I have time? When should I plan to do these tasks during the week?
Practice – Short Term planning French – Read three chapters in textbook by Wednesday, be prepared to discuss on Friday Language and Society – interview project write up due Monday Intro to Philosophy – watch movie and answer questions for Tuesday lecture, write short response for Thursday lecture Intermediate Arabic – 3-5 drills in textbook and vocabulary practice due every day Lannan Fellows Seminar – Read a book of poems and write a poem inspired by this book to bring to class on Tuesday. Bring questions for the author.
Homework – due Nov 2nd Write out one SMART goal for each class you are in this semester Create a long term calendar for this semester (Oct- Jan) and a short term calendar for next week. Bring both to next class.
Useful Links Time Management Grid Calendar: https://www.bu.edu/erc/files/2013/01/24hour- Timegrid.pdf Time Management Self-Assessment: https://www.bu.edu/erc/files/2013/01/Time- Management-Self-Assessment.pdf