PP Lessons Term 4, 2016 Week 2.


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Presentation transcript:

PP Lessons Term 4, 2016 Week 2

Term 3 Revision WALT: revise helpful (Optimistic) and Pessimistic (Unhelpful) thinking WILF: I can understand the difference between helpful and unhelpful thoughts. I can look at different scenarios and have positive thoughts and understand that unhelpful thoughts will only make me sad. Slide 2 Read WALT and WILF

Optimism is Expecting the best out of every situation Being hopeful and positive Recognising the good things about any situation Slide 3 Discuss definition of optimism - Optimism is expecting the best out of every situation.

Optimists (Helpful) v Pessimists (Unhelpful) Optimistic thinking helps us overcome problems in life by having helpful thoughts to solve their problems or see the good things. Helpful thoughts make us feel better and result in happier actions or consequences Pessimistic thinking can cause us to give up when we have problems. These thoughts are unhelpful which makes us feel sad and helpless. They lead us to act in ways that make us and others unhappy. Slide 4 Optimistic thinking helps us overcome problems in life by having helpful thoughts to solve their problems or see the good things. Pessimistic thinking causes us to give up when we have problems. These thoughts are unhelpful which makes us feel sad and helpless.

Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset The way you think about what happens to you leads to your feelings about it. If you use helpful thinking (Optimistic thoughts) you will have a happier feelings and feel better. Helpful thinking means not jumping to conclusions, checking your facts and not believing the worst pictures. Slide 5 The way you think about what happens to you determines your feelings not the thing itself. If you use helpful thinking (Optimistic thoughts) you will have a happier feelings and feel better. Helpful thinking means not jumping to conclusions, checking your facts and not believing the worst pictures.

Ways to be an optimistic thinker– When something bad happens think about it as: temporary. In most cases, the bad thing is not forever! Specific - there is only one bad thing, it is not everything that is bad! Because of others or other reasons - it’s not all because of my actions ‘Talking to Myself’ (using self talk) can change unhelpful thoughts to more helpful thoughts Slide 6 Can you give an example of: Permanent (always) v’s temporary (will end) Everything (all things) v’s specific (one thing) Because of me (it is all my fault, I am the cause of the problem) v’s Because of others (it’s not all because of my actions) How does ‘Talking to yourself’ help?

Help (optimistic) v Unhelpful thoughts (pessimistic) Charlie wakes up in the morning and discovers he forgot to charge his iPad for school. Helpful Thoughts? Unhelpful Thoughts? Charlie goes down to the kitchen and discovers that his brother has eaten all of the Coco Pops? Slide 7 Tell a story about Charlie and get students and get one side of the room to give responses requiring optimistic thinking and the other to give responses that require pessimistic thinking. Discuss helpful and unhelpful thoughts

Help (optimistic) v Unhelpful thoughts (pessimistic) Charlie then goes and has a shower and realises that there is no hot water left. Helpful Thoughts? Unhelpful Thoughts? Charlie goes to his wardrobe to look for his school uniform and can’t find one in there. Slide 8 Read through scenarios and discuss helpful and unhelpful thoughts

Helpful (optimistic) v Unhelpful thoughts (pessimistic) In groups, think of a scenario to continue Charlie’s morning, when things keep going wrong for him. Write it down. List some helpful and unhelpful thoughts about each problem. Share scenarios with class Complete worksheet and discuss. Slide 9 Form groups of 4 Think of a scenario to continue Charlie’s morning. Write it down. List the helpful and unhelpful thoughts Share scenarios with class Complete worksheet and take home to show parents

Today we have looked at: Revised helpful (Optimistic) and Pessimistic (Unhelpful) thinking Watch clip and discuss: K-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCVSWqgmd_w&list=PLCuLa7CUOssGIvdI0INIUJN3oQ4TR2 X47 Pete the Cat and His Magical Sunglasses IT’S IMPORTANT TO “ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHTSIDE” IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN A POSITIVE APPROACH TO LIFE! Slide 10 Revised helpful (Optimistic) and Pessimistic (Unhelpful) thinking IT’S IMPORTANT TO “ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHTSIDE” IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN A POSITIVE APPROACH TO LIFE!