John Milton: 1608-1674 1640s – Civil war (Royalists versus parliament, roughly equating to Catholic versus Protestant) 1649 – Charles I executed 1650s - Milton starts work on Paradise Lost 1653 – Cromwell becomes ‘Lord Protector’ 1658 – Cromwell dies 1660 – Charles II crowned 1667 - Paradise Lost published
Rebellion (well Gothic) Satan is not only given a voice, he is in many ways the protagonist You gain an insight into the rebellious motivations of Satan: “injured merit” (Book 1, line 98). Idea of being forced to be subservient. And he is not the only one. “Innumerable spirits” are unhappy with God’s reign (102). The “tyranny of heaven”. In the context of reception this is a bold opening.
Religion (don’t forget it) Satan asserts the importance of the individual. Linked to Protestantism and the fact that anyone could enter into a dialogue with God through the Bible. You don’t have to take your religious guidance from a corrupt hierarchy i.e. Charles All is not lost; the unconquerable Will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to be overcome? (Book 1, 106-109)
Political rhetoric Satan, a strong, motivational leader of a rebellion (Cromwell). For who can yet beleeve, though after loss, That all these puissant Legions, whose exile Hath emptied Heav'n, shall fail to re-ascend Self-rais'd, and repossess thir native seat? (Book 1, 631-634) The power of rhetoric is also very important during the lengthy debate in Book 2.
Voice of the people Satan organises a “great consult” (Book 1, 798)among the fallen angels so they can all discuss the best course of action. A bit like a parliament. And they all get to have “popular vote” (Book 2, 313).
Religion (told you not to forget it) Paradise Lost IS NOT an allegory for the political strife of England during Milton’s lifetime. It is fundamentally a tale about a rebellion against God. And God is good. However, there are elements of political and social (religious context) in there but nothing should be pinned down as a definite….
… for example Satan can also represent elements of Charles I and wider notions of corruption. “Satan exalted sat” (Book 2, 5). He is said to have “monarchical pride” (Book 2, 428). Part of Milton’s issue with the royalists was their belief in ‘Divine Right’ as if they only had to answer to God and not the people. - He is shown to manipulate the debate round to his idea: “devised and proposed by Satan” (Book 2, 380).