Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan


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Presentation transcript:

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan A Specific Request Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Text: John 8:44, 47, 51 Scripture Reading: I John 3:4-10 By Nathan L Morrison All Scripture given is from NASB unless otherwise stated For further study or if questions, Call: 907-252-3708, or Visit: www.frr-churchofchrist-ak.org Prepared by Nathan L Morrison / 05-14-06

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Intro There is a contrast between God and His children & Satan and his children Jn. 8:41-47: Children of Satan do his will (deeds, desires)! Jn. 1:9-13: Those who received Jesus (True Light) became children of God by the will of God – they do the will of God (Mt. 7:21) to enter Heaven! Mt. 6:24: Cannot serve two masters – that means one must choose who they will serve! Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

Intro A Specific Request Both God and Satan want to win souls! God’s word is there to convert the soul and give one hope of Heaven! Satan’s word is in the world all around us and attempts to deceive and destroy! Can you tell the difference between the voice of God and the voice of Satan? Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Prepared by Nathan L Morrison / 05-14-06

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan A Specific Request Satan’s Voice: Tempts us (I Chron. 21:1; Mt. 4:1, 3; Acts 5:3; I Cor. 7:5; Eph. 6:16) Tells us to covet – take what does not belong to us (Gen. 3:6; Josh. 7:20-21; II Sam. 11:2-4) Frightens us (Heb. 2:14-15; Rom. 8:15; II Tim. 1:7) Confuses us (I Cor. 14:33; Gen. 3:1) Deceives or fools us (Gen. 3:1-5; Mt. 7:15; II Cor. 11:3, 14; Eph. 4:14; I Tim. 4:1; II Thess. 2:9) Lies to us (Gen. 3:4; Jn. 8:44) Harms us (John 8:44; Js. 4:1-4) Causes us to befriend the world – makes us enemies of God (Js. 4:4) Blinds us – to keep us from fruitful living (II Cor. 4:4; II Pet. 1:9; Rev. 3:17) Robs us – steals truth from our mind & heart (Mt. 13:19; Lk. 8:12: Seed on Roadway) Enslaves us – bondage (Rom. 6:16; II Tim. 2:26; II Pet. 2:19) Condemns or accuses us (Zech. 3:1; Rom. 8:33; Rev. 12:10) Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Prepared by Nathan L Morrison / 05-14-06

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan A Specific Request Satan’s Voice: Limits us (I Tim. 4:1-5) Charms us – pride (I Tim. 3:6-7) Deters us – from God’s will (Gen. 3:1-5; Mt. 16:22-23; I Thess. 2:18) Sifts or agitates us (Luke 22:31; II Cor. 12:7) – with thoughts of doubt, discouragement, despair & denial (the “D” words from the devil!) Discourages us (I Kings 19:4-14: Elijah discouraged) Divides us – God’s people (I Tim. 5:13-15: Some followed Satan – heard and followed his voice!) Harasses us – to exploit our weakness (Eph. 4:26-27; Mt. 4:2-3; I Chron. 21:1: He will take every opportunity!) Distracts us – from loyalty to Christ (Jn. 13:2: Got to Judas!) Worries us (Phil. 4:6; Mt. 6:25-31) Destroys us – tears us down (Jn. 10:10; I Pet. 5:8; II Cor. 12:7) Separates us from God (Gen. 3:8, 24; Is. 59:1-2; II Thess. 1:9: Eternally!) Wants eternal company (Mt. 25:41, 46; Rev. 20:10, 14-15) Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Prepared by Nathan L Morrison / 05-14-06

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan The children of Satan are all who hear his voice and follow him in sin! I Jn. 3:4, 8, 10) 4. Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. 8. the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 10. By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother. Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan The children of Satan are all who hear his voice and follow him in sin (I Jn. 3:4, 8, 10): Jn. 8:38-47: Spiritual Genealogy & Lineage: Do you do the will of God OR of Satan? Mt. 25:41, 46: If you follow Satan, you will be cast into eternal fire with him! Those who hear the voice of Satan & do his will become his children & will be with him for all eternity! Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan A Specific Request God’s Voice: Restores us – builds us up (Ps. 23:3; Eph. 2:13-16: Reconciles us through Jesus’ blood) Leads us – in paths of righteousness (Ps. 23:3) Directs us – to do God’s will (Ps. 31:3; 139:24; Lk. 22:42) Guides us – in truth (John 16:13; 17:17; Eph. 6:17: God’s word is Truth! – Jn. 1:1-3: Jesus is the Word, He is Truth – Jn. 14:6) Lights our way (Ps. 119:105; Jn. 1:4-5, 9; 3:21; 8:12; 9:5: Jesus is the Light of the world) Satisfies us (Mt. 5:6; Jn. 4:10-14; 6:35; 10:10) Sanctifies us (I Cor. 6:11; II Cor. 6:17-18; I Pet. 1:14-16) Purifies us (I Jn. 3:3) Frees us – liberty (Jn. 8:31-32; 36; Rom. 6:16-18, 22) Reassures us (I Kings 19:11-13, 18; Is. 41:10; Ps. 37:23) Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Prepared by Nathan L Morrison / 05-14-06

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan A Specific Request God’s Voice: Encourages us (Jn. 16:33; Josh. 1:6-7, 9; I Cor. 16:13; Heb. 13:5) Stills us – grants us peace (Ps. 46:10; Is. 26:3; Jn. 16:33; I Cor. 14:33; Phil. 4:7) Convicts us – But does not overtake and destroy us! (Acts 2:37; I Cor. 10:13) Comforts us (Ps. 61:2; II Cor. 1:3-5; Mt. 11:28-29: Jesus is our comfort!) Communes with us – fellowship (Js. 4:8; I Jn. 1:3, 7; Rev. 3:20-21) Unifies us – God’s people (Eph. 2:19; 4:3; I Pet. 2:9-10) Builds us up – edification (Eph. 4:15-16; Col. 2:7; Jude 20) – does not tear us down! Calls us – to service (Is. 6:8; II Thess. 2:14) Gives us hope (Eph. 4:4-6; Col. 1:3-5; Heb. 6:19; I Jn. 3:3: Hope of Heaven!) Wants eternal company (Mt. 7:21; 25:34, 46; I Jn. 2:17, 25; 5:20; I Pet. 3:9; Rev. 21:3-7; 22:17) Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Prepared by Nathan L Morrison / 05-14-06

The children of God are all who hear His voice and follow Him! Voice of God The children of God are all who hear His voice and follow Him! Jn. 10:27 27. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; Col. 1:13 13. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan The children of God are all who hear His voice and follow Him! (Jn. 10:27; Col. 1:13): Jn. 8:47, 51: Spiritual Genealogy & Lineage: Do you hear the words of God OR the words of Satan? Mt. 25:34, 46: If you follow God, you will spend an eternity with Him! (Rev. 21:3-7) Those who hear the voice of God & do His will become His children & will be with Him for all eternity! Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Conclusion If one follows the voice of Satan, then he is their father— I Jn. 3:4-10; Majority follow him – Mt. 7:13 Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

Few will follow Him – Mt. 7:14 Conclusion If one obeys the gospel they change their father from Satan to God—Col. 1:13 (II Cor. 6:17-18); Few will follow Him – Mt. 7:14 Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan Conclusion II Cor. 6:2 2. for He says, "AT THE ACCEPTABLE TIME I LISTENED TO YOU, AND ON THE DAY OF SALVATION I HELPED YOU." Behold, now is "THE ACCEPTABLE TIME," behold, now is "THE DAY OF SALVATION"-- Resist Satan! Eph. 6:11: “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” II Tim. 2:26: “…and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.” Js. 4:7: “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” I Pet. 5:9: “But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.” Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

God’s Voice vs. Satan’s Voice Child of Satan Child of God Mt. 25:41, 46 Mt. 25:34, 46 Eternal Fire Eternal Life The child of Satan will inherit an eternal fire, which is eternal punishment (Mt. 25:41, 46), but the child of God inherits eternal rest (Mt. 25:34, 46)! Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

Child of Satan Child of God Conclusion You can obey God today and He will be your Father and you will be His child – Start today to seek to do His will! Child of Satan Child of God Mt. 25:41, 46 Mt. 25:34, 46 Obedience! Voice Of God Vs. Voice Of Satan

“What Must I Do To Be Saved?” Hear The Gospel (Jn. 5:24; Rom. 10:17) Believe In Christ (Jn. 3:16-18; Jn. 8:24) Repent Of Sins (Lk. 13:35; Acts 2:38) Confess Christ (Mt. 10:32; Rom. 10:10) Be Baptized (Mk. 16:16; Acts 22:16) Remain Faithful (Jn. 8:31; Rev. 2:10) For The Erring Child: Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (I Jn. 1:9), Pray (Acts 8:22)