Psychology = Science of behavior and mental processes A specific way of asking and answering questions. Any action that is observable and thus recordable. Internal experiences such as sensations, dreams, thoughts, and feelings.
-Life Before Psychology- Philosophy asks questions about the mind: Does perception accurately reflect reality? How is sensation turned into perception? Problem - No “scientific” way of studying problems René Descartes (1596-1650) Biology (physiology) asks similar questions about the body SCIENTIFIC METHOD: -Predict what will happen -Systematically observe events -Do events support predictions?
-Founders- John Locke (1600’s) “Tabula Rasa” or blank slate Experience shapes the mind NURTURE = EXPERIENCE Charles Darwin (mid-1800s) His idea of natural selection says that nature chooses those characteristics or behaviors that best enable an organism to survive NATURE = BIOLOGY
-Psychology is Born- First Experimental Psych Lab (1879): Focuses on the scientific study of the mind. Wundt insists that Psych methods be as rigorous as the methods of chemistry & physics. Wundt’s students start labs across USA (1880-1900) Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) -University of Leipzig -Harvard University -Yale University -Columbia University -Catholic University -Univ. of Pennsylvania -Cornell University -Stanford University
Looking inward will show us structure! -Structuralism- Looking inward will show us structure! Introspection means to look inside oneself. Introspection is also a technique used in which subjects report a response to stimuli (red light). If we can understand the building blocks of basic processes, we will be able to put it together to understand complex processes. Edward Titchener came to the U.S. and used Wundt’s approach.
Why do we do what we do? -Functionalism- William James, the first American psychologist, felt that structuralism was too limited. James founded functionalism, which studied how complex mind processes evolve because of life preserving functions. He studied not only observations, but how mental processes, emotions, and self-concept worked to influence behavior.
-Structuralism vs. Functionalism- Analyze consciousness into basic elements and study how they are related Introspection - self-observation of one’s own conscious experiences Wilhelm Wundt Functionalism Investigate the function, or purpose, of consciousness rather than its structure Leaned toward applied work (natural surroundings) William James (1842-1910)
-Early Psychologists- Mary Calkins (1863-1930) was one of William James’ students at Harvard She became the first woman to earn a PhD in Psychology at Harvard, but never received the degree She later became the 1st female president of the APA
-Psychology (pre-1920)- Psychology Understanding Mental Processes Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) Physiologist & Perceptual Psychologist Founder of Psychology as a Science Experiments Edward Titchner (1867-1927) Student of Wundt Formed Y at Cornell Introspection Psychology Understanding Mental Processes William James (1842-1910) Philosopher & Psychologist Formed Y at Harvard
-Different Perspectives in Psychology- KNOW THESE!!! Psychoanalytic Psychology - Freud Behavioral Psychology - Actions Biological Psychology - Biology Cognitive Psychology - Thinking Social-Cultural Psychology - Society Humanistic Psychology - Pyramid
-Freud & Psychoanalysis- Proposes the idea of the UNCONSCIOUS Thoughts, memories & desires exist below our conscious awareness and exert an influence on our behavior Unconscious is expressed all the time, but is identified in dreams & “slips of the tongue” Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Psychoanalytic perspective attempts to explain personality, mental disorders & motivation in terms of unconscious determinants of behavior
Mental processes cannot -Behaviorism- Scientific Psychology should focus on observable behavior, not introspection. Mental processes cannot be studied directly Psych = the Science of Behavior John Watson (1878-1958) Stimulus Response Psychology “The rat never lies”
-Behaviorist Perspective- Ivan Pavlov used conditioning of dogs to show that behavior is learned. The dogs were conditioned to salivate when a tone was sounded.
-Psychology (1920s-1960s)- Behaviorism Science of observable actions John B. Watson (1878-1958) Behavior without reference to thought Stimulus and Response Psychology People do stuff… Why? B. F. Skinner (1904-1990) Behaviorism with a twist The pigeon & the Skinner box
-Behavioral/Clinical Perspective- Focus: How we learn from observable responses. How to best study, assess and treat troubled people. Sample Issues: How do we learn to fear particular objects or situations? What is the most effective way to alter certain behaviors? What are the underlying causes of: Anxiety Disorders Phobic Disorders Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
-Biological Perspective- Our behavior is a result of our physiological processes and natural development. Study the psychological effects of genes, hormones, activity of the nervous system and the brain. NATURE
-Biological Perspective- Focus: How the body and brain create emotions, memories, and sensory experiences. Sample Issues: How do evolution and heredity influence behavior? How are messages transmitted within the body? How is blood chemistry linked with moods and motives?
-Cognitive Psychology- Cognition is the mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, storing & using information Cognitive Psychologists return to the study of introspection; memory, language, mental development & problem solving Advent of computers (late 1950s) provides a new model for thinking about the mind Noam Chomsky “Language”
-Cognitive Psychology (1960s-1990s)- Science of Behavior & Mental Processes Cognitive Y Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) The dynamic unconscious mind and Psychoanalysis Computers as Metaphor for Mind Study mind through inferences drawn from observable behavior
-Cognitive Perspective- Focus: How we process, store, and retrieve information. Sample Issues: How do we use info in remembering and reasoning? How do our senses govern the nature of perception? (Is what you see really what you get?) How much do infants “know” when they are born?
-Humanistic Perspective- This perspective emphasizes the unique qualities of humans. Free will, self-concept, and self-fulfillment are emphasized. People are naturally positive and growth seeking. Ex. - desire for love, self-esteem, acceptance, etc.
-Social-Cultural Perspective- Focus: How behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures. Sample Issues: How are we, as members of different races and nationalities, alike as members of one human family? How do we differ, as products of different social contexts? Why do people sometimes act differently in groups than when alone?
-Behavior is Shaped by Culture- Personal Space Value of Education Punctuality Social Norms
-Influence of Heredity & Environment- Nature versus Nurture
-The Biopsychosocial Model- Takes into account all of the perspectives. Views biological processes (genes, brain functions, etc.) psychological factors (learning, thinking, emotion, etc.) and social forces (family, school, culture, etc.) as interrelated influences.
-Work In Psychology- Elementary/ Universities & Secondary Colleges 27.2% Elementary/ Secondary Schools 4.2% Independent Practice 33.1% Hospitals, Counseling, Clinics, etc. 22.3% Business, Government or Consulting 12.1%
-Specialties In Psychology- General/Quantitative 3.6% Cognitive/Physio. 5.2% Clinical, Community & Counseling 51.1% Industrial/ Organizational 5.7% Social/ Developmental 6.4% Other 8.6% Ed & School 19.4%