Welcome to the Laboratory Safety Training Update! 9/1/16 Attendance will meet your annual lab safety training refresher requirement Sign In Please! This training is only a refresher, everyone still must complete the initial safety training modules
Topics Minimum PPE and lab requirements reminder NEW! Chemical inventory procedure Training requirements for your students (research and teaching labs) reminders NEW! Lab Safety Notebooks Other reminders Updates
PPE Reminders (yes, again) Minimum PPE for labs Long pants and closed-toe shoes Lab coats required for BSL-2 Areas BSL-2 Lab doors must remain closed Additional PPE must be worn as the hazards indicate.
Chemical Inventory Procedure Central Receiving (sort of) – Jarvis: Kris Olynick – Inventory Minion Order chemical(s) Deliver to either – 3rd floor mail room (Kris picks up daily all chemical hazmat boxes) OR bring to 349 Kris enters into CISPro and delivers to your lab! If super time-sensitive (can’t wait for us to enter) – take your chemical, but leave the packing slip in my mailbox with a note of where the chemical is – Kris can receive based on the packing slip, print and deliver the label. When done with the chemical – return bottle or barcode label to your lab manager(s)
Course-work Student Training Students enrolled in lab courses General Laboratory Safety Rules (Chemistry) SOP for Students (Generic) from Appendix F of CHP – also now on website – or use your own BSL-2 Awareness Training – .ppt or .doc available on website Specific PHS Training – .ppt on CISPro (or me) Document with a Safety Signature Sheet Turn in the signature sheets to me for storage Safety Tour
Research Student Training Student employees and volunteers Learn@UW-Stout Laboratory Safety Training Course Minimum modules (cover CHP basics) BSL-2 Awareness Training Additional Modules assigned by you Student Card Access Agreement Form (turned into me) Note: The modules (including the additional modules) do not take the place of lab-specific training. You should be training your students on specific techniques/SOPs. Lab Safety Notebooks Example: PHS training module does not take the place of training for the specific hazards and techniques of working with the specific PHS.
Lab Safety Notebooks Why? Pilot Group Completed Flexibility Lacking in documentation of lab-specific training for student employees In-lab spot for helpful resources for you and your students Pilot Group Completed Feedback incorporated Flexibility Extra tab for whatever you want If you won’t use a section – don’t feel like you need to keep it
Notebook Tour
Lab Safety Notebook Assignment Complete Contact Information page Fill out your roster Start the orientation checklist for those students Safety Tour Add any PHS Approvals already done – in CISPro (or email me) Complete one SOP (pick your most used or highest hazard) Students can do – you need to review and approve Due: October 3rd – Audits
Other Reminders Website http://www.uwstout.edu/healthandsafety/safety/labsafety/index.cfm Forms (link on the right hand side of every page) Card Access Request Forms General Lab Safety Rules and Signature Sheets Postings I take requests!
Upcoming Hazard Assessment Guidelines for Working Alone in a Laboratory