MANUALS READ THE MANUALS!! This training does not eliminate your requirement to read and reference the District and Campus Test Coordinator Manual, Test Security Supplement, the Test Administrator Manuals, and other applicable guidebooks (including online resources). READ THE MANUALS!!
2017 Test Administrator Manuals are now available on TEA’s website
Document Retention 147
Document Retention Per TEA Test Security Supplement, districts are required to maintain the following documents for five years following a test administration: Testing irregularity documents and incident reports Inventory and shipping records Seating charts Signed security oaths Local district policy requires the retention of: Absent documentation Other documentation Campus training presentation Campus training sign in sheet 148
What’s New? 149 Folders have been reorganized and renamed Folders are now arranged by test administration, not by items No more folders inside of folders Consistent naming conventions Easier to make corrections CTC will upload some items before turn-in After turn-in, CTC will return to KLSS for scheduled appointment to review documents Naming conventions will be posted in the Test Portal 149
Consistent Naming Conventions Each administration folder should look like this Items are listed in the order they occur 150
Consistent Naming Conventions Naming convention documents are listed in Test Portal. 151
How Will It Work? 152 Deb will place this in your folder Rose will place this in your folder CTC will place these in their secure folder BEFORE turn-in CTC will bring these items to their document review at KLSS CTC will bring these items to their scheduled materials turn in time 152
Shipping Notice File name - 030 KHS Dec 16 Shipping Notice Upload to server within 48 hours of materials delivery Make sure to: Check each item Sign shipping notice legibly Date shipping notice If there are any discrepancies, contact Rose at ext. 0333 153
Precode List You should receive this with your precoded answer documents Upload to server before document submission deadline File name - 040 Dec 16 EHS Precode List 154
Training Presentation File name - 050 SHS Dec 16 Training Presentation Upload to server before document submission deadline District training presentations may denote which slides must be included in campus trainings 155
Training Sign In Sheet File name - 060 SHS Dec 16 Training Sign In Upload to server before document submission deadline Make sure sign in sheet has the following: Campus name Date of training Training subject 156
Oaths Bring oaths to scheduled document review appointment File name - 070 GHS Dec 16 Oaths Bring oaths to scheduled document review appointment Please make sure oaths are in the following order from top to bottom Principal CTC Technology Test administrator Paraprofessional 157
Materials Control Forms File name - 080 EHS Dec 16 Materials Control Forms Bring materials control forms to scheduled document review appointment Make sure that Test administrator initials or signs materials out CTC initials or signs materials in Form is dated and administration is listed 158
Seating Charts File name - 090 GHS Dec 16 Seating Charts Bring seating charts to scheduled document review appointment Make sure that Student start and stop times are recorded Test administrator has signed the chart Test administrator has recorded in and out times 159
Seating Charts – Information required for each test session The location of the test session must be recorded, including the district and campus names and the room designation. Provide a brief description of the testing area (e.g., classroom, library, cafeteria) The assessment that is being administered at this location must be indicated, including the specific test administered, the subject area (e.g., reading, writing) and the grade level The first and last name(s) of the test administrator(s)/monitor(s) conducting or involved in the test session must be recorded The first and last name of each student participating in the assessment must be indicated on the chart at the location where the student was seated for testing The start and stop times for each test session 160
Absent Documentation File name - 100 ECHS Dec 16 Absent Documentation Bring ‘Absent’ documentation to your scheduled materials turn in time Make sure that Header information is complete Form is signed and dated Absences are documented appropriately If you have no absences, write ‘None’ on the form 161
Other Documentation File name - 110 KHS Dec 16 Other Documentation Bring ‘Other’ documentation to your scheduled materials turn in time Make sure that Header information is complete Form is signed and dated If you have no ‘O’ score codes, write ‘None’ on the form 162
Enjoy your weekend! Have some fun!
Assessment Department Contact Information Teresa Daugherty Director 336-0318 Cell Phone (254) 760-4897 Home (254) 986-2242 Brenda Gooding Secretary 336-0319 Bobbie Swenson Coordinator 336-0336 Debra Brockway Testing Specialist 336-0298 Rose Childers Testing Specialist 336-0333 Renee Ham Consultant 336-0320