FARMERS AND FAMILIES Life in Cambodia Can you hack it?
BRIEF In a group of 3 or 4, you represent one indigenous Cambodian family. AIM OF THE GAME: To provide for your family by producing and trading successfully. You have a family card that tells you about your family (number of members, food needs, crops you manage, money you have).
CHALLENGE Manage your family crops Trade at the market Fetch water from the village pump You must get enough to provide for your family Watch out for events that may threaten your food security and directly impact the health of your family.
CHECK OUT YOUR FAMILY CARD JLD16-A1 6 Rice Cucumber Cassava Banana Cashew nuts Papaya Fish 2 6 4 2 1 3 3 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 2 ea 2 ea 2 ea 3 ea 3 walls 32,000 (16 coins)
RATANAKIRI Your family lives in one of three villages found in the far north-eastern province of Ratanakiri.
EACH ROUND The following actions take place each round… Crop production Water collection Market trading A round lasts for 6 minutes and players can decide when to complete each task.
CROP PRODUCTION One family member needs to visit the crop production table and selects one counter for each crop harvested at random. Each counter will show the quantity of items produced for the week. These can be kept or traded at the market. The counters can be cashed in for units of each crop. 20 6
TYPES OF CROPS There are six types of crops and each family has two crops (one low cost and one higher cost). Rice, cassava & cucumber Banana, papaya and cashews Low cost Recommended price: 1 coin per unit (2,000 riels) High cost Recommended price: 2 coins per unit (4,000 riels)
Suggested unit price per food type You can choose to alter your prices to increase sales/profit. Each coin is worth 2,000 riels (approximately 80 cents). Coins 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1,500/kg 1,500/kg 1,000/kg 2,000/kg 3,000/kg 2,000/kg 10,000/kg Low cost vegetables/grains Higher cost fruit/nuts Highest cost fish
WATER COLLECTION Each family has a cup with a survival line on it. Each week, one family member needs to go to their village water pump to fill the cup up past the survival line. Before arriving at the water pump the family member must first touch the number of unique walls (representing the distance taken to get to the pump) shown on their card. At the end of the week, the majority of water is tipped out to show it has been consumed by the family. Some may remain to reflect water collection by rainfall in the next week.
MARKET TRADING The market is where crops are traded for riels. Family members can promote the sale of their crops harvested during the week. Other family members can buy what is needed for the family from other traders. One external trader is selling fish. Recommended price: 3 coins per unit (6,000 riels)
Try to collect all your needs on your Family Food Chart Family Food Chart Place the food items you collect during the week here Try to collect all your needs on your Family Food Chart Rice Cucumber Cassava Banana Cashew nuts Papaya Fish 2 6 4 2 1 3 3
END OF THE WEEK At the end of the week, if either the water level is under the survival line or the food needs of the family are not met then one of the family members must sit out the next round (to show that the family is impacted by poverty and perhaps some members of the family are sick and not as productive). All food items are placed in the CONSUMPTION plate (and collected) and we start the next week.