Learning Map for Year 4 : Autumn 1 2015 Theme: Hard Times Please encourage your child to read each day Swimming Stories in historical settings Read and watch Tom’s Midnight Garden _ discuss the language features used Plan our own story based on Tom’s Midnight Garden plus our new theme knowledge - Write our own story using new skills Netball skills Throwing Catching Team work Rules Homework: English/ Maths Free Choice - Set on a Tuesday and handed in the following Monday E-safety and core skills responsibility, reporting concerns. Programming design, write and debug programs National Poetry Day Investigating light poems Looking at the features Writing our own poems in a similar style. PE English ICT Science DT Class 4 Hard Times Taught in Autumn 2 Animals including humans Understanding the digestive system and the process food goes through Understanding how to look after our teeth and the effects certain food and drinks have Looking at food chains and where energy comes from. Geography Exploring other cultures Learning how to have effective discussions Understanding a range of musical instruments Taught Spring 1 Art History Music Understanding number - Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 PSHCE Maths Sketching based on Klimt Inventors and inventions -Changing lives -Thomas Edison -Stevenson -Alexander Graham Bell Life in Victorian times School in Victorian times Jobs Victorians had. Industrial Revolution -Exploring society’s changes -Learning about scientific and technological developments RE Fractions -Recognising fractions of numbers and shapes -Adding fractions with the same denominator - Finding equivalent fractions Doubles and halves - Doubling and halving odd numbers Judaism Understanding the differences to Christianity Finding out about Jewish celebrations _ Comparing Jewish beliefs to Christian beliefs Addition and subtraction – solving word problems using each. Jewish Celebrations Passover Yom Kippur