9Kea 09 Here-Turi-Kōkā 2013 What we will do What we will learn Preliminaries and roll How to start well Hand in, and check off, our ecology projects How to make sure everyone is treated fairly Bring Mr H our Scipad pages for marking (Light and Ecology) How to stay up to date. Hear the story about Democritus How to start an idea Hear how Democritus was actually wrong (but in a good way) What sub-atomic particles are Begin drawing sketches of the first 20 elements of the periodic table How Mother Nature organises “stuff”
Surname Firstname Form Topic Ackermann Sophie SXIG Anderson Maycie LNIE Benioni Hellen BGRE Blud Danielle BCOL Bransby Ella BGAN Cash Maya RCTR Crump Madison MDWIL Donald Isabella BHNH Jenkins Wendy Kjeldsen Keala Konia-Storey Aellerie MDBOX Lovelace Maria SBTL Massey Faye SPOT McWilliams Brooke Paraki Meri MURB Pepene Jahnya MWER Polwart Macey RWAL Priest Rosie RGWI Pussell-Flavell Clare MDDEN Raymond Sommer Smith Gina STUC Tana Kelly-May SVIC Tupe Alexis BMAU Weston Ellie MGRN Williams Tabitha MDHEN Wilson Sigrid
HW item Skills practiced Scipad Pages 110 - 119 Due Mon 25th Mar 13 Living things, cells and microscopes Scipad Pages 132 - 143 Due Fri 19th of April 13 Plants and reproduction, including microscopes Scipad Pages 85 – 87, 91, 96, 99 - 103 Due Fri 31st of May 2013 Light Matariki Tetrahedron Due: Wed 26 June 2013 Presenting information Scipad Pages 196 – 206 but not 200 or 201 Due 31 July 2013 Ecology