INTRODUCTION Orthodontria is a special branch of dentistry that deals in aligning and repositioning irregularly positioned teeth and jaws. The trained professional that deals with such problems is known as brisbane orthodontist. Some people consult a dentist to apply the technique as they face problems with eating or any day to day task, while others use it just to change the facial appearance. DEFINATION
ORTHODONTRIA IS GENERALLY USED TO: Now what are molocclusions Molocculsions are bad bites or simply the misalignment when teeth from both the jaws meet. CORRECT MALOCCLUSIONS
THEY HAVE FOLLOWING COMMON TYPES: OVERJET: The upper teeth extend forward when compared to lower teeth, can cause problems while eating and speaking. Due to lack of space the teeth in either or both the jaw-lines become crowded or overlapped. CROSSBITE: It is a misaligned bite where the upper row of teeth bite inside the lower set of teeth. It can cause problems with the molars or front teeth. OVERBITE: The upper row of teeth extends forward and covers or overlaps the lower row of teeth. This may cause teeth to affect gums. OVERCROWDING:
BRACES: It is the most common method where the dentist employs wires, bands and brackets. The braces are wrapped around the misaligned teeth and generally adjusted monthly to apply stress so that the teeth align as desired. Improper spacing between two or more teeth can be caused by missing tooth or small tooth. FIXED SPACE MAINTAINERS: A space maintainer is a special tool that is used in babies to hold two teeth from misaligning, when the middle tooth has fallen before its time. IMPROPER SPACING: The upper teeth do not overlap the lower set of teeth and may cause problems while eating. OPEN BITE:
CONTACT US: MARGATE - Margate Medical, 3/279 Oxley Avenue Margate QLD 4019 Phone no: MANGO HILL 1 Halpine Dr, Mango Hill QLD 4509 Phone no: