Mesopotamia and Egypt
Ancient Mesopotamia Timeline 3000-2200 B.C.-Emergence of Sumerian Cities 1800-1550 B.C.-Babylonian Kingdom 1780 B.C.-Code of Hammurabi 1000-586 B.C.-The Hebrews 559-500 B.C.-Height of Persian Power
Mesopotamian Geography Mesopotamian located at Eastern end of Fertile Cresent Tigris and Euphrates flood often creating rich soil for crops Developed ditches for irrigation Open plane made area vulnerable to attack
Mesopotamia’s City States Surrounded by walls built of mud brick Temples most important building usually in center Sumerians state based on a theocracy (lead by divine authority) Economy based on farming, trade, and manufacturing. 3 classes: Nobles, commoners, and slaves.
Empires of Mesopotamia 2340 B.C. Akkadians led by Sargoin who sets up worlds first empire 1792 B.C. Babylonians led by Hammurabi take power.
Code of Hammurabi Collection of laws for strict justice (eye for an eye) Penalties depend on social class Reflected a patriarchal society
Mesopotamian Religion Polytheistic (over 3000 gods) Humans their to serve gods
Sumerian’s Creation Created cuneiform writing (wedge shaped) Used for record keeping, teaching, and law Gilgamesh-literature teaching of moral lesson Other inventions: wagon wheel, numbers system (60), advancements in engineering and astronomy
Egyptian Geography Civilization based around annual flooding of the Nile River (Over 4,000 miles) Used Geographic barriers to protect them from invasion
Egyptian Religion Polytheistic Land gods / Sun Gods Sun God was the lead god (Re or Atum) Pharaoh referred to as sun of Re
Egyptian History Divided into 3 major periods: Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms Begins with Menes around 3100 B.C.
Old Kingdom 2700-2200 B.C. Rulers become known as pharaohs Absolute power Take advice from family and Vizer Pyramids built during this period, as well as mummification.
Middle Kingdom 2050-1652 B.C. (Golden Age) Pharaohs now portrayed as shepherds of the people. Middle kingdom ended by invasion of Hysksos of Western Asia.
New Kingdom 1567-1085 B.C. Period which Egypt created an empire Pharaoh’s very wealthy First female ruler comes during this time (Hatshepsut)
New Kingdom Continued Akhenaton-tries to make Egyptians monotheistic (starts the decline of the Egyptian Empire Tutankhamen-restores the old gods later Ramses II (The Great) 1279-1213 B.C. regains some of the empire but again would later collapse. Cleopatra VII tries again later to restore empire but falls to the Romans.
Society and Daily Life Classes of society Ruling Class-Pharaohs, nobles, and high priest Merchants and priest Peasants were laborers for the upper classes
Marriage Married young (arranged marriages) Man the master: women took care of household including children’s education Marriages could end in divorce with compensation for women Women could be merchants, priests, and even pharaohs
Writing and Education Writing emerged around 3000 B.C. in Egypt Hieroglyphics/Hieratic Script Made advances in art, architecture, geometry, and medicine Due to mummification learned a great deal about human anatomy First to use splints, bandages, and compresses
Other Great Civilizations Hittites-pastoral nomadic group known for use iron Phoenicians-lived along the Mediterranean Coast Known for ships, seafaring skills, and trading abilities Also known for 22 letter alphabet later used by Greeks and Romans.
Civilizations Israelites-(1200-1000 B.C.) main contribution religion of Judaism. Assyrians-known for military prowess and use of iron weapons, disciplined army and calvary. Persians-created an enormous empire. Set up their own complex gov. structure.
Ancient China Or Old dishes
Geographic factors Location-Virtually isolated by Gobi desert, Tibetan mountain plateau, and the Pacific ocean. 1/5 of land consists of coastal and river plains; 4/5 are mountains etc. Can’t grow food easily. Rivers-Huang he(river of sorrow) and Yangtze-fertile lands.
Dynasties Hsia or Xia-according to legend. Chinese began writing, silk, and casting bronze (2000-1500 BCE) Shang-oracle bones. Artistic bronze casting. Worshipped ancestors. (1500-1000BCE) Chou or Zhou-Longest ruling dynasty. Intro of iron, written laws, and metal coins. Lao tse and Confucius. Mandate of Heaven and Dynastic cycle.(1000-256 BCE) (Warring states period)
Continued Ch’in or Qin-Ruler was Shih huang ti. Created Great Wall of China to keep northern invaders out of China. Legalistic ethics. Standardized writing; Uniform legal code; Burned books. Ch’in = China. (221-206 BCE) Han-Centralized administration; bureaucracy tested; promoted confucianism; allowed Buddhism in; Expanded territory. Art, literature, science, and industry flourished. (206 BCE – 220 AD)
Contributions Art-bronze casting, jade statues. Architecture-pagodas Weapons-crossbow Farming-iron plowshare Misc-silk, paper Philosophy literature
The Ancient India to English Dictionary has not been found yet Early India The Ancient India to English Dictionary has not been found yet
Interesting Information Indus River valley was very fertile. Flooded annually Grew barley, wheat, dates, and melons. Surpluses allowed for large cities such as Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa. Public sewers and water supply Cotton cloth Planned Cities
THE END Cannot read the writing of these people so no one knows why the civilization ended. Could have been from invasion, natural disaster etc. Aryans will arrive and take over History and culture revealed through religious teachings in Vedas. Teachings of Vedas became Hinduism Caste system created