If you are collecting data with farmers, how ACCURATE and PRECISE does this data need to be?
Participatory Research Precise Accurate Participatory Research Precise Accurate Formal experimentation Precise Accurate Precise Accurate
Precise? Accurate? In northeast Thailand, the main crops grown by smallholder farmers are rice, cassava and maize In northeast Thailand, 72% of the land cultivated by smallholder farmers is rainfed rice, 14% is cassava and 7% is maize Precise? Accurate?
In northeast Thailand, there are 182000 hectares of rainfed rice cultivated by smallholder farmers, 32000 hectares of cassava and 15000 hectares of maize Precise? Accurate? In northeast Thailand, there are 1,823,421.2 hectares of rainfed rice cultivated by smallholder farmers, 476,321.31 hectares of cassava and 2.1 hectares of maize Precise? Accurate?
If you are collecting data with farmers, HOW MUCH data do you need?
Precise? Accurate? Not enough information! Precise? Accurate? Too much information!
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." …Albert Einstein “Perfection is the enemy of progress”…FDR
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