MINERALS Chapter 5 Review
Properties of a Mineral Naturally occurring Solid Definite chemical composition (element or compound) Atoms arranged in a regular repeating pattern-Crystal system Inorganic
How Can I Identify Unknown Minerals? By Observing their Properties Color, Luster, Crystal Shape By Performing Simple Tests Cleavage-Fracture, Hardness, Streak, Acid Reaction By Looking for Unique Properties Double Refraction, Fluorescence, Magnetism
Color- not reliable Few minerals have a unique color ex: sulfur Many minerals have the same color Some minerals come in a variety of colors ex: quartz
LUSTER- the way a mineral reflects light Non-metallic-pearly Non-metallic- vitreous Metallic Non-metallic-earthy or dull
CLEAVAGE- when a mineral breaks into smooth planes
FRACTURE- the way a mineral breaks, no planes
Acid Test If you drop acidic solution on minerals that contain calcium carbonate, Carbon Dioxide bubbles will be given off!
Hardness Test- scratch mineral
STREAK- color of powdered mineral
Magnetism-contains Iron
Chatoyancy & Asterism
Over 3,000 different minerals 20 Common minerals 10 Rock Forming minerals Quartz, Feldspar (2), Halite, Mica(2), Calcite, Dolomite, Gypsum, Ferromagnesium Minerals
TONIGHT GO TO http://www.cobweb.net/~bug2/mineral.htm to take an on-line quiz about minerals