Fig. 12. Intraluminal gas in GI tract unassociated with CPR in 64-year-old deceased man (case 14). CT scan obtained 3 hours and 57 minutes after death shows widespread distension of GI tract. Although this finding can be caused by CPR, in this patient, CPR was not performed due to DNR order. This finding is considered nonspecific. CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CT = computed tomography, DNR = do-not-resuscitate, GI = gastrointestinal Fig. 12. Intraluminal gas in GI tract unassociated with CPR in 64-year-old deceased man (case 14). CT scan obtained 3 hours and 57 minutes after death shows widespread distension of GI tract. Although this finding can be caused by CPR, in this patient, CPR was not performed due to DNR order. This finding is considered nonspecific. CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CT . . . Korean J Radiol. 2015 Jul-Aug;16(4):798-809.