dōTERRA® University Product Tools Wild Orange Essential Oil Citrus Sinensis dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® University Product Tools Plant Part: Peel Collection Method: Cold pressed Main Constituent(s): Limonene dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
Key Therapeutic Benefits Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Uplifting and calming to the mind Protects against airborne pathogens Insect repellent dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® University Product Tools romatic T opical I nternal S ensitive dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
Aromatic Usage Suggestions Drop in hands, cup around nose, and inhale to decrease anxiety Diffuse to combat cockroaches, mosquitos, and houseflies dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
Topical Usage Suggestions Rub on the back of neck to refresh energy levels Massage into shoulders to reduce stress and anxiety dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
Internal Usage Suggestions Use when cooking to add a burst of flavor to desserts, smoothies, and other recipes Add to your water for extra burst of flavor and antioxidant power dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® University Product Tools Diffusing orange oil helped reduce stress and anxiety in children at the dentist http://aromaticscience.com/effect-of-aromatherapy-with-orange-essential-oil-on-salivary-cortisol-and-pulse-rate-in-children-during-dental-treatment-a-randomized-controlled-clinical-trial/ dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® University Product Tools Found in…. Citrus Bliss Invigorating Blend On Guard Protecting Blend TerraShield Repellent Blend DDR Prime® Veráge™ Cleanser …and many more dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® University Product Tools Try the purifying, uplifting, and calming aroma of wild orange oil today! dōTERRA® University Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools