Nora Mischendahl & Mai-Lena Nguyen Education and Work Nora Mischendahl & Mai-Lena Nguyen
Learn is important for people Humans with handicap have a right to education Everyone should be able to learn something
Every child can and should go to school Handicap children must pay anything for the school
Everbody at school Have a right to education, too Can go to university To learn something in courses
People with handicap have the right to learn with other peoples Handicapped and not handicapped children should go together in once a school Not a school can learn there because a handicap There should be courses, where handicapped person and not handicapped people together something learn
Everybody with a handicap can get help at education. A child needs help for going to school. A child needs a school-assistant.
A good education must have an adequate communication-system to all handicapped pupils. Everyone should be able to converse with others well.
For example: There are deaf children in your class: Learn sign language Need a translater
That right is not only valid for the sign language. It goes for theese languages too: Braille The language for people who can‘t see and can‘t hear anything
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