A global platform to support local water sector transformations WORLD BANK GROUP DONOR FORUM 18th May 2010 Angelo Dell'Atti Infrastructure Advisory International Finance Corporation
To achieve MDGs and other development goals, many countries need to accelerate water sector transformation MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOAL 7, Target 3: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation What could accelerate the process? What we’ve heard What is the current response? Efforts and institutions aimed at MDGs and other water related objectives, e.g., WSP, HDR, CGIAR Water is a low policy priority A Elevate to head of state as key growth driver Too focused on access and sanitation Country wide water strategies with an increasing focus on IWRM B Holistic approach engaging all stakeholders, including private sector Public sector has limited capacity Private sector engaging, e.g., UNGC CEO water mandate
“Charting our Water Future” was authored by a unique group of public sector entities, private companies and experts New tools to speak to high level policy makers A New platforms for stakeholder alignment B
Transformation planning Despite successful interventions by many institutions, a number of failures in coordination and implementation still remain Limited institutional capacity and expertise in some cases Actors in country water management Country water management process Outcomes Global public sector and civil society Diagnosis of needs Transformation planning Focused on downstream services and supply-side interventions Focused on water access and sanitation as opposed to scarcity Water remains a low policy priority Modest improvement in water productivity Donors Global expert/research groups Foundations Limited alignment of initiatives to country-level agenda Multilateral development agencies Local public sector and civil society Governments Local expert/research groups National development agencies Implementation Global/local private sector Investors Some implementation initiatives are not effective, for example: Misaligned end user incentives Weak business case for private sector participation Private sector organisations Low political will Multinational private companies Monitoring Local private companies
Country water management process A platform providing targeted and rapid support to meet specific management needs could help stakeholders accelerate the transformation Initiatives to support coordination of activities of some key stakeholders Re-balanced focus towards water resource scarcity challenge Actors in country water management Country water management process Outcomes Global public sector and civil society Diagnosis of needs Transformation planning Accelerated water sector transformation Water engrained as integrated component of country economy Water raised on the political agenda Integrated view of water access and water scarcity Country reference cases developed Donors Global expert/research groups Foundations Multilateral development agencies Local public sector and civil society Governments Platform Local expert/research groups Supplement process with private sector tools and techniques to assist delivery of public policy objectives and implementation Targeted analytics Outcomes-based management Shared services model National development agencies Implementation Global/local private sector Investors Holistic involvement of private sector in planning and implementation Private sector organisations Multinational private companies Monitoring Local private companies
We are experiencing early success in supporting a number of countries in accelerating their reform agenda Example of in-country work: Pakistan Organising initial workshop to align stakeholders (20th May) using Minister of Water and Power’s convening power to mobilise national and local stakeholders from federal/provincial government, research groups and other institutions Providing analytical bandwidth to rapidly synthesise Activities already underway and diagnose potential gaps Other countries at early stages of engagement Providing platform to engage private sector in the planning process Providing project management support to drive rapid planning exercise with the aim of building a 3-6 month action plan and 3-5 year change programme, supported by development partners Mongolia Kaliningrad China Tigris-Euphrates Jordan India Mexico Kuwait Saudi Arabia Ethiopia Pakistan Peru Brazil Australia South Africa
Our hypothesis is that this growing public-private coalition should transition towards a donor funded stable platform Jan 2010 May 2010 Jan 2011 Davos 2010 More countries expressing interest Davos 2011 ? ? ? “Charting our water future” released Coalition of public institutions and private companies WEF incubation IFC-led programme (TBD) World Economic Forum (WEF) Donor countries? Foundations? Growing coalition ?
Key questions How can we make this valuable to you and your stakeholders? How should donor governments be involved? How will this effort help accelerate existing programmes? How do we make sure the right expertise is on board? What scale should we aspire to?