An Emerging Crisis: Global Warming and the Age of Oil
Sections: How did we get here? The rise of petroleum in the modern era Global dependence and the future of Fossil Fuels Greenhouse gases in our atmosphere The consequences of a warmer planet Short and Long-term solutions
Petroleum in the Modern Era Petroleum, or crude oil is a thick, black, flammable mixture of numerous hydrocarbons and other organic compounds, found in unique geologic formations beneath the earth's surface.
Black Gold: The Value of a Barrel of Sweet Crude
Petroleum and Other Fossil Fuels The rise of industry and automobiles in the early to mid 1900’s marked an explosion in oil drilling, refining and the use of petrochemical products/fuels. Other “fossil fuels” including natural gas and coal are primarily used for energy.
If this is indeed accurate, what are the implications here? Do you believe this projection is accurate? Why or why not?
Petroleum Products Virtually everything in the modern world is either made from oil derivatives, or relies on oil-based energy for production and transportation.
The End of Petroleum The end of oil (projected well before the end of the century) could easily result in a global economic and political meltdown of epic proportions… Unless…
Fossil Fuels, Greenhouse gases, and our Delicate Planet Our planet’s atmosphere contains gases in ideal proportions necessary to sustain life as we know it. A small, but extremely important constituent are known as “Greenhouse gases.”
Our Resident Greenhouse Gases
CO2 and the Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse gases (CO2 in particular) trap heat energy from the sun and keep our planetary temperature warm and stable. They also play central, cyclic roles for all living things. (what are they?)
Fossil Fuels, Greenhouse gases, and our Delicate Planet (cont.) A byproduct of fossil fuel usage (burning) is the formation of carbon dioxide. The “Age of Oil” over the last 100 years has resulted in increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Too much CO2 = too much of a good thing. The rising temperature of our planet is directly linked to rising carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. We are making our planet “Sick.”
The Consequences of a Warmer Planet Biotic and abiotic relationships on planet Earth are both intricate and delicate. Small, seemingly insignificant changes can have drastic effects; some seen immediately and others over long periods of time.
The Consequences of a Warmer Planet (cont.) The jury is still out on all of the consequences associated with the warming of our planet, as well as the rate it will continue. It is clear however, that a warmer planet is harmful for the vast majority of the biosphere.
The Top 5 Consequences Associated with Global Warming #5 The Spread of disease As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects become more prolific and migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them.
The Top 5 Consequences Associated with Global Warming #4 Turbulent Weather As the temperature of oceans rises, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger storms worldwide, including hurricanes in the Gulf.
The Top 5 Consequences Associated with Global Warming #3 Drought Although some locations will actually become wetter as temperatures rise, many areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa and Asia will see the worst dry spells. Water is already a rare commodity in Africa, and global warming will inevitably exacerbate poor living conditions resulting in conflicts and war.
The Top 5 Consequences Associated with Global Warming #2 Loss of Biodiversity Although some species benefit from warmer conditions (insects in particular), altering temperature inevitably disrupts delicate ecosystems and will result in mass extinctions worldwide.
The Top 5 Consequences Associated with Global Warming #1 Rising Sea Levels As the ice caps melt, sea-levels rise. The influx of fresh water will disrupt ocean currents and ocean ecosystems aggravating the already disrupted conditions. And finally….
The Worst Case Scenario… If the ice caps melt, our dark blue “Ocean World” will absorb much more heat from the sun and no longer be hospitable to higher life forms… The ice caps are white, and reflect a large percentage of heat energy back into space, helping our planet regulate its temperature.
The Worst Case Scenario… Could this be 2110?
In Summary...
Short Term Solutions Minimizing your “carbon Footprint” means putting less CO2 into the atmosphere. How can this be accomplished?
Long term Solutions Alternative energy sources MUST replace our current dependence on fossil fuels. (What are the 2 key reasons?) There is no one solution, rather a collection of many varied “clean” alternatives which may slow down global warming.
Long-Term Clean Energy The Top 5 Most Promising… #5 Hydroelectric and Tidal Energy As technologies improve harnessing the power of water and gravity (done in an environmentally conscious fashion) has limitless potential for emission free energy.
Long-Term Clean Energy The Top 5 Most Promising… #4 Geothermal Energy Although tapping into and harnessing the Earth’s internal heat is a technological challenge (currently only viable in a few locations globally), its potential as a long term energy solution cannot be ignored.
Long-Term Clean Energy The Top 5 Most Promising… #3 Nuclear Energy Although expensive to construct, once Nuclear facilities begin refining Uranium, clean energy can be generated with virtually no emissions for decades or even centuries.
Long-Term Clean Energy The Top 5 Most Promising… #2 Solar Energy New technology in concentrated solar (the use of mirrors to heat a fluid) and photovoltaics (rooftop solar panels) show incredible promise in the 21st century.
Long-Term Clean Energy The Top 5 Most Promising… #1 Wind New composite materials and building technology have made wind power a huge source of abundant green energy for the future.
That’s All Folks!
QUIZ! Name 3 fossil fuels. Aside from fuel, Provide 2 examples of petrochemical products. Name 2 greenhouse gases. What has happened to atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide over the last 60 years? Why? What causes the greenhouse effect? Be specific. Name 2 consequences associated with global warming. Described as a ’worst cast scenario,’ explain how the “runaway greenhouse effect” could lead to as mass extinction event. Describe 2 short-term solutions for reducing one’s “carbon footprint.” What is concentrated solar power? How is it possible to harness energy from ocean tides?