New Summary Report - 19 November 2015


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Presentation transcript:

New Summary Report - 19 November 2015 Survey: WAG Survey 2015

5. If you were able to work only a restricted number of contests per year – from which number on would WAG be included? Value Percent Count 3 possible contests per year 12.1% 10 5 possible contests per year 16.9% 14 10 possible contests per year 34.9% 29 more than 10 possible contests per year 36.1% 30 Total 83 Sum 390.0 Average 7.4 StdDev 3.0 Max 10.0

10. When do you normally decide how many hours you will operate in WAG? Value Percent Count At the latest on the weekend before WAG 8.3% 7 During the week before WAG 21.4% 18 On Friday evening before WAG or on Saturday 3.6% 3 During WAG 66.7% 56 Total 84

11. What factors define or restrict your op-time (multiple answers possible)? Value Percent Count Fitness 14.3% 12 Goals 15.5% 13 Pleasure&mood 29.8% 25 Family activities and other obligations 63.1% 53 Condx 58.3% 49 Total 84

Motives Value Percent Count Enjoying runs when being a rare or semirare station/multiplier 26.2% 22 Having ties to Germany 17.9% 15 Ranking in my country Collecting points for awards (e.g. DLD) 20.2% 17 Possibly coming close to a TopTen rank 10.7% 9 Finding at least a few hours to have some operation fun 60.7% 51 Improving my result from the previous year 38.1% 32 Working as many QSOs as possible in the available time 51.2% 43 Winning my category or rank as high as possible Total 84

17. Do you look up your result and compare it with previous years or that of other competitors' after publication of the scores? Value Percent Count Yes 71.8% 61 No 20.0% 17 No comment 8.2% 7 Total 85

18. Would you like to operate more seriously as a competitor but do not have a fitting goal to be motivated enough? Value Percent Count Yes 27.9% 22 No 72.2% 57 Total 79

20. In which category do you operate most often (multiple answers possible)? Value Percent Count SO CW LP 38.1% 32 SO CW HP 19.1% 16 SO Mix LP 28.6% 24 SO Mix HP 21.4% 18 SO MIX QRP 7.1% 6 SWL 2.4% 2 In a multioperator team 6.0% 5 Total 84

22. Do you read your UBN report about the deductions from your score as a result of the logcheck? Value Percent Count Yes 79.8% 67 No 9.5% 8 Didn't know about it 10.7% 9 Total 84

23. If CW, how do you key CW: Value Percent Count By software 29.0% 20 By key/paddle 15.9% 11 Mostly by software, only occasionally by key/paddle 55.1% 38 Total 69

24. Which of these antenna setups is describing yours best? Value Percent Count Indoorantenna 2.4% 2 One antenna for all bands 26.2% 22 One lowband antenna and a non-rotable antenna for the highbands 20.2% 17 Several lowband antennas and a rotable antenna for the highbands 34.5% 29 One antenna for 80m, a beam for 40m and several rotable antennas for the highbands Total 84

25. Do you operate with CAT? Value Percent Count Yes 71.8% 61 No 23.5% 20 Unknown 4.7% 4 Total 85

26. Do you operate SO2R (single operator, 2 tranceivers) Value Percent Count Yes 18.1% 15 No 81.9% 68 Total 83

27. Do you log the contest Value Percent Count With a contest logging software 90.6% 77 Initially on paper 5.9% 5 With a logbook software 3.5% 3 Total 85

28. How do you ensure to stay away from the contestfree segments (multiple answers possible)? Value Percent Count Warning function of contest logging software 14.6% 12 From memory 43.9% 36 Pdf-file from WAG website 37.8% 31 Paper notes at the station 31.7% 26 Total 82

31. Which of these sources do you use (multiple answers possible)? Value Percent Count Clusterspots 50.6% 43 RBN-spots 36.5% 31 Own skimmer 4.7% 4 Nothing of the above 37.7% 32 Total 85

32. Do you call CQ by yourself? Value Percent Count Yes 78.6% 66 (No) 21.4% 18 Total 84

34. Do you use the DCL? Value Percent Count Yes 9.5% 8 No 27.4% 23 Unknown 63.1% 53 Total 84

35. Do you use LotW? Value Percent Count Yes 64.3% 54 No 32.1% 27 Unknown 3.6% 3 Total 84

36. How do you rate the QSL reply rate of contest participants? Value Percent Count Good 33.7% 28 Average 27.7% 23 Poor 7.2% 6 No comment 31.3% 26 Total 83

37. Do you download your award as pdf from the WAG website? Value Percent Count Yes 58.8% 50 No 21.2% 18 Did not know about 20.0% 17 Total 85

38. How important would be for you: Empty Cell very much somewhat not Responses Plaques for winning a category 33 41.8 % 25 31.6 % 21 26.6 % 79 Stickers fo TopTen ranks 22 28.9 % 26 34.2 % 28 36.8 % 76 New award motives each year 23 29.1 % 32.9 % 30 38.0 % Souvenir per order (ca.15 €) for e.g. 200 different DOKs 11 14.3 % 27 35.1 % 39 50.6 % 77

40. Do you connect to livescores to continuously upload your actual score there? Value Percent Count Yes 16.5% 14 No 74.1% 63 Unknown 9.4% 8 Total 85

41. Should WAG add a „basic“ category like „LP mixed, no rotable antenna and no part of the antenna(s) being higher up than 12m“? Value Percent Count Yes 29.8% 25 No 23.8% 20 No opinion 46.4% 39 Total 84

43. Should WAG add SSB categories? Value Percent Count Yes 34.1% 29 No 23.5% 20 No opinion 42.4% 36 Total 85

44. Should all logs (except checklogs) be public after submitting deadline? Value Percent Count Yes 68.2% 58 No 4.7% 4 No opinion 27.1% 23 Total 85

45. Should WAG publish score deduction after logcheck in percent Value Percent Count For TopTen (as it is now) 31.0% 26 The best quarter per category 9.5% 8 The best half per category 2.4% 2 All participants (except checklogs) 57.1% 48 Total 84

46. Should individual log checking reports be published Value Percent Count No, only for the individual participant (as it is now) 49.4% 41 Stations ranking in TopTen 12.1% 10 Best quarter per category 3.6% 3 Best half of category 0.0% All participants 34.9% 29 Total 83

48. Which of the contents on the WAG website (http://www. darc 48. Which of the contents on the WAG website ( do you use (multiple answers possible)? Value Percent Count Pages “Tips&Info” 28.4% 23 Link for submitting the log 88.9% 72 Logging tips / software list 16.1% 13 Results of previous years 74.1% 60 Download of award 50.6% 41 Rules 91.4% 74 Statistics 33.3% 27 Total 81