Urban Administration for Revenue Officers Shri T. C. Benjamin, IAS (Retd) Chairman ,State Expert Appraisal Committee, MoEF, GoI
Urban Governance in Maharashtra Contribution of Mumbai City to Urban Planning and Administration
Urban Governance Urban Planning Urban Administration Municipal Services Providing and locating Municipal Services: An Integral Part of Urban Planning.
Water Supply Resource Crunch – Water, Energy Metering – Workshop Plugging Leakages Water Harvesting / Recycling Save Energy Energy Audit How planning can help
Low rise development on Higher Elevation
Sanitation Importance of underground drainage and sewage treatment plants (STPs) Linkages with public italics : The Solapur Experience A Wholistic (Not Piecemeal) plan of the sewage network. Locating STPs at the lowest contour. Public toilets / Urinals - gender sensitivity Campaign against defecting / urinating / spitting in public Nuisance detection squads
Municipal Solid Waste Management Waking up too late : the Surat experience Stray dogs : A good indicator Zero garbage : Target to ward officers Ramp initiatives
Dumping Stations
Scientifically developed dumping sites How to select a dumping site? Wind direction Habitations Economy in transportation Access airport
Where will you locate the dumping ground? Wind E B C F Airport A D Where will you locate dumping ground ?
Segregation of Waste Biodegradable Non bio degradable Rag pickers Energy from Waste Mixed waste : India 900 Kcal/Kg Developed Countries : 1500 Kcal/Kg Bio Methanisation Composting / Vermi composting
Traffic and Transportation Congestion, pollution – affects quality of life in a city What kind of vehicles / roads users should be allowed inside a city? Trucks / six-seaters / buffaloes? Concept of PCU Intercept concept
Traffic and Transportation Sr No Mode No PCU Volume 1 Car 1000 2 Bus 300 3.5 1050 3 Bikes 600 0.5 4 Cycles 250 0.2 50 Total Volume 2400 CAP 800 PCU/Lane No of Lanes = 2400/800 = 3
Truck Terminal By pass road Truck Terminal
Need for Co-ordination Mobility committee Encouraging Public Transport The metro – Problem and prospects : Mumbai experience Need for protecting public land Parking Problems.
Emergency Services Fire Services Emergency Rescue Services Blood Service Ambulance Service
Importance of Urban Planning DP and DCR Concept of FSI – Good or Bad?
How FSI affects pressure on urban services? Idealistic Example: 1000 Sq.m Flat Charges Premium from Developers? FSI BUA (Sq.m) No of Flats (100 Sq.m/Flat) Person @ 4/Flat W/S @ 120 lpcd (lit) Sewage 90% of W/S (lit) CARS (2 Per Flat) 1.0 1000 10 40 4800 4320 20 1.5 1500 15 60 7200 6480 30 2.0 2000 80 9600 8640 6.0 6000 240 28800 25920 120
Concept of TDR
Obnoxious reservations Municipal services which no one wants in their neighborhood Dumping Grounds Sewage treatment plant Slaughter houses Cremation / burial grounds Asphalt concrete mixing plants Public toilet / urinals etc.
A good Municipal Administrator Regular Field Visits Motivating staff – esp. Those engaged in thankless jobs like SWM Regular Monitoring Air, Water, Noise, Traffic, Sanitation, Health B. P. (Be Prepared)
Thank You