A Level Philosophy AQA (2175) PHILSOPHY asks the most fundamental and deepest questions about ourselves, the human condition, our relationships with each other and the world. It asks questions such as: What am I? How am I connected to the world? What exists? How should I treat others? What is morality? What is truth? Philosophy can be described as deep thinking and love of ideas and knowledge. It’s also the study of how to construct logical and sound arguments. Philosophy is one of the oldest disciplines and has engaged some of the greatest thinkers since the beginning of time. Philosophy is less of a subject but more of a way of thinking - a way of questioning. Philosophy is an excellent subject to study alongside humanities, arts and sciences. An ability to think clearly is essential as is the ability to write clearly and fluently. You should enjoy thinking, arguing and debating new ideas. You should also be someone open to new ways of thinking. You must be able to engage with big ideas and deep debates and be prepared to read philosophical texts. It will be assumed for the purpose of teaching that most students undertaking the course will have no previous experience in the subject. In A2 there are 2 units: Ethics Philosophy of Mind Recently graduated students who have studied this subject have been successful in gaining places on degree courses such as Philosophy, English, History and Politics at universities such as Cambridge, Bristol, Manchester and Oxford. Philosophy and mathematics or science, are also offered by many universities. All prospective students are invited and encouraged to attend our Open Days/Evening where members of the Philosophy department will be on hand to give you more information and answer any questions about the course. The course specification can be located here: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/philosophy/a-level/philosophy-2175 Head of Philosophy Mr DP O’Regan B.A. (OXON) Philosophy A level has just been redesigned to meet the new requirements of A level. In AS there are 2 units: Epistemology Philosophy of Religion