Reducing Carbon Footprint: Purchasing Power


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Presentation transcript:

Reducing Carbon Footprint: Purchasing Power By Michael Nietfeld

Buy local Local food can: Reduce the use of inorganic chemicals Reduce traveling time and provide fresher food Reduce energy used to transport the food thousands of miles

Eat local Eat at restaurants that serve local food Many restaurants use pre-prepared food that requires packaging, transportation, and refrigeration. Order food that does not have to travel far rather than foods such as coffee and native foods of other continents.

Buy Minimally Do not buy excess packaging Excess packaging appeals customers by making foods look clean and fresh but has a large carbon footprint Buy loose fruits and vegetables rather than packaged or boxed Use reusable bags at the grocery store Avoid using plastic bags whenever possible

Buy Minimally: Bottled Water Bottled water not only uses plastics that require energy to make but also requires the transportation due to manufacturing at a facilities. Order tap water from restaurants when possible Use reusable bottles

Buy and Plant Native Native plants often grow more efficiently in their natural environments Native plants are often transported shorter distances because they were grown locally Use local and organic soil Plants help to reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Hold Out on a New Gas Car The production of a new car has a large carbon footprint and is more harmful than keeping an older car with worse gas mileage for now Even production of a hybrid car has a large carbon footprint on the environment An eco-friendly produced electric car may be an option when found at a reasonable price in the near future

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