MPAEA Awards 2016 Boise, Idaho
Awards of Excellence These awards honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of adult education at the state or local level. The recipient must be a member of his/her state affiliate or MPAEA. One award is given per state.
Arizona Rickey Jackson
Colorado Anna Mae Rael-Lindsay
Idaho Melody Clegg
Montana Suzette Fletcher
Nevada Jennifer Keiser
New Mexico Gloria Rael
North Dakota Dr. Penny L. Hetletved
Utah Michelle Moore
Wyoming Lori McKearney
Lay Leader of the Year This award is to honor people in professions outside education who have proven to be close friends or allies of adult education and lifelong learning. The recipient need not be a member of MPAEA. One award is given per year.
Lay Leader of the Year Carolyn Holly
Legislator of the Year This award recognizes a legislator who has proven to be a strong supporter of adult education, and has influenced respective legislatures to promote and enhance lifelong learning opportunities for the citizens of his or her state.
Legislator of the Year Lance Clow
Learner of the Year This award is to honor a learner who has achieved success with his or her educational goals, and continues on the pathway of lifelong learning. This individual is selected by the hosting state.
Learner of the Year Doug Kellis
Educator of the Year This award is to honor an educator from the hosting state, who has proven to be a strong supporter of adult education, and has influenced students and colleagues in the pursuit of lifelong education.
Educator of the Year Laura Umthun
Award of Merit This is the highest award that MPAEA presents. It is given to an outstanding individual who has greatly contributed to the advancement of adult education.
Award of Merit Glenda Sinks
Award of Appreciation This award is given to the past president of MPAEA in show of great appreciation for his or her volunteer service for the support and furthering pursuit of adult education pathways.
Award of Appreciation Kathleen Jameson
!!!! Enjoy the conference Please give a warm round of applause and shout of thanks to these wonderful award recipients.