Mobilization and Stimulation of Neuromuscular Tissue (MaSoNT) in subacute post stroke patients. Eleftherios Stefas, Dimitrios Athanasiadis, Vasileios Gouglidis Introduction: One of the commonest impairment caused by stroke is weakness of the upper extremity. The upper-limb is most commonly affected by permanent disability with six out of eight stroke patients presenting symptoms at this area. Six out of ten stroke survivors could not manage to recover some dexterity of the hemiplegic hand even after a six-month intervention. Hence, even though many “hands-on” techniques are applied in order to trigger functional recovery to the upper-limb, a vast majority of them failed to establish a standard of usefulness in that regard accompanied by a necessity for more evidence-based practice as well as a better reasoning for their application. Mobilization and Stimulation of Neuromuscular Tissue (MaSoNT) is a newly-invented sensory facilitatory technique for the hemiplegic upper-limb where the therapist offers somatosensory stimuli aiming to trigger functional recovery through cortical reorganization. MaSoNT, at its basic form (figure 1,2,3), involves the application of a transverse stretch across the muscle belly, either on the upper limb or the lower limb. The area of application is specified and justified, according to the findings of studies on the regional physiology. Moreover, there should be a progression on the way to apply MaSoNT’s basic technique, depending on the attendance and functional level of the patient. Evexia Rehabilitation Center, Greece Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Purpose: Aim of this study is to offer a spherical view on this new technique. Moreover, clinical observations and a report on the safety of application are discussed. Method: 5 stroke patients (4 males, 1 female; age 70.2 ± 4.2 years) in sub-acute stage were included in this study. All patients had left hemiplegia, with a very good level of consciousness, with upper limb motor deficits (0/5) and no sensory deficits. All the patients had application of the technique 4 times/ minute with 15 sec intervals with repetition every 15 minutes for 5 hours. Results: Most the patients that were applied the technique (4/5) felt several autonomous muscular contractions of their upper-limb during the rest of the day. No complications were observed during the application of the technique. Discussion and Conclusions: Mobilization and stimulation of neuromuscular tissue is a newly invented technique used for functional recovery of the hemiplegic upper limb. It elicits cortical reorganization through its somatosensory stimuli. Future clinical trials must be conducted in order to prove the effectiveness in clinical practice. References:1.Athanasiadis, D. (2015). Physiology underpinning Mobilization and Stimulation of Neuromuscular Tissue (MaSoNT): a review. Master’s Thesis, University of Keele, Keele, United Kingdom. 2.Bartels, M.N. (2011). Pathophysiology, medical management and acute rehabilitation of stroke survivors. In: Gillen, G. (eds.) Stroke rehabilitation: a function-based approach. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby; pp. 2.