DAAD Project Funding © Christian Lord Otto 1
Introduction to DAAD Project-Funding Welcome...... Today… Introduction to DAAD Project-Funding Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World Fact Finding Missions
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is … A self-governing organisation of German universities: 238 member universities 107 student bodies
Budget 2014 Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ): € 41 million = 9 % Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): € 103 million = 23 % European Union (EU): € 65 million = 15 % BMZ BMBF EU Total: Federal Foreign Office (AA): € 177 million = 40 % € 441 million Other Other funding bodies: € 55 million = 13 % AA
DAAD worldwide: Regional Offices, Information Centres and Lectureships (DAAD-Lektoren) Central and Eastern Europe, CIS: 151 Western Europe and Turkey: 149 St. Petersburg Moscow Riga Kazan Novosibirsk London Berlin Minsk North America : 21 Bonn Warsaw Brussels Prague Kiev Paris Budapest Toronto Madrid Rome Belgrade Bucharest Tbilisi Istanbul Tashkent Almaty Rio de Janeiro Mexico City New York Bishkek Athens Ankara Yerevan Baku Dushanbe Beijing Seoul San Francisco Tunis Erbil Tehran Tokyo Tel Aviv Kabul Islamabad Cairo East Jerusalem Amman Shanghai New Delhi Guangzhou North Africa and the Middle East: 34 Abu Dhabi Taipei City Hanoi Hong Kong Pune Chennai Bangkok San José Caracas Addis Ababa Ho Chi Minh City Accra Kuala Lumpur Bogotá Yaoundé Singapore Nairobi Asia-Pacific: 66 Jakarta Latin America: 36 Sub-Saharan Africa: 20 São Paulo Johannesburg Sydney Santiago de Chile Buenos Aires Regional Offices Information Centres (ICs) Lectureships (DAAD-Lektors)
The DAAD supports academic exchange in three main areas Scholarships for the Best Structures for Internationalisation Expertise for Academic Collaboration © Hans-Joachim Zylla
Goals and tasks of the DAAD Three strategic areas of activity Expertise for academic collaboration Structures for internationalisation Scholarships for the Best Create structures that promote internationalisation so that higher education institutions can improve the quality of research and instruction and address the challenges of the future with strong partners. so that more people can cross borders and achieve success in study and research. so that German remains an important language of culture and scholarship. so that higher education institutions may contribute to development and build bridges to surmount conflicts. Grant scholarships to the best so that the professionals and leaders of tomorrow can gain qualifications at the best locations, prepare for positions of responsibility and cultivate contacts throughout the world. Offer expertise for academic collaboration so that academic and political leaders are able to make well-informed policy decisions.
Structures for Internationalisation We create structures for higher education in Germany and throughout the world. Universities are our partners. The DAAD provides support and advice. © David Ausserhofer / Peter Himsel
Projects by German higher education institutions with DAAD funding
Examples of DAAD projects In Palestine: HS Eberswalde – Dar Al Kalima: Support of the establishment of a Bachelor in „Sustainable Tourism Management“, 2014 – 2017 Hochschule Neubrandenburg – Al Quds, An-Najah, AAU Jenin: Joint University Module about Conflict Intervention, 2013 - 2016 Leipzig Universität – Birzeit: Further development of the German Language Bachelor, 2017 –
Examples of DAAD projects In the Region: Aschaffenburg University – German Jordanian University: Establishing Career Service Structures and Processes at GJU (DIES) Hamburg University – Kairo University: Establishment of Centres of Excellence for the Support of Victims of Violence (PAGEL) Marburg University – Ain Shams University: Building entrepreneurship and management skills for students (Praxispartnerschaften) Erfurt University - Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (Lebanon): Double Degree MA Program „Middle Eastern Sociology/Anthropology and History (MESH)”
German University DAAD How project funding works…. German University DAAD Partner University Fund Application MoU Fund Usually calls are open every 1 – 3 years Information is still available in German only DAAD does not fund pure scientific projects
DAAD Database 14
Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World The aim of the programme supported by the German Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) is to further cultural dialogue with the Muslim world by encouraging academic cooperation 15
Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World sustainably modernise teaching in the partner countries (e.g. through the joint development of new curricula and quality assurance processes) and to link teaching and research provide targeted support for qualified young academics from the regions while ensuring gender equality establish regional teaching and research networks with several higher education institutions from different partner countries; contribute as higher education institutions to social development and the formation of a knowledge society. 16
Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World Projects particularly deserving of funding include those in which: German and foreign students and young academics work together as intensively as possible regional cooperation is intensified lasting links are forged between the partner institutions involved the practical relevance of courses of study in the region is increased; curricula and/or modules are updated; master’s, doctorate and other postgraduate courses are developed or expanded; 17
Fact Finding Missions The programme supports the development of cooperation projects between German universities and universities in developing countries funds a visit by a delegation of faculty members of one German university to universities in th designated partner country 18
Research Funding PALGER: Joint German-Palestinian Reserach fund, co-financed by BMBF and MoEHE Joint German-Palestinian application-oriented research projects (24 months/max. 30k EUR) or mobility projects for the establishment of joint research partnerships (24 months/ max. 8k EUR) supporting joint research activities of young scientists Areas: Nanotechnology/Material Sciences Agricultural Science/ Natural Resources Management Renewable Energy Public Health and Social Sciences shall be added in 2017 19
Research Funding Palestinian-German-Science-Bridge: Funded by BMBF with 2.5 million Euro at Forschungszentrum Jülich aims to establish a joint research and doctoral programme over the next five years between Forschungszentrum Jülich, its German partner universities, and Palestinian universities First call for scholarship applications was published by the beginning of the year 20
Thank you for your attention Christina Stahlbock Head of DAAD Information Centre (IC) East Jerusalem 02-62 62 106 info@daad-eastjerusalem.org www.daad-eastjerusalem.org Follow us on FB © Eric Lichtenscheidt 21