Fundamentals of A/V and Print Technology Ms. Erin Wasson Video Production I
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) iJourney: Your Pathway to Career Exploration Art 2D and STEAM Lab Bioscience Fundamentals of A/V and Print Technologies (Video Production I) Fundamentals of Telecommunications (Video Production II) Fundamentals of Visual and Performing Arts (News Crew) Robotics I and Robotics II
What we Use
What we Learn Video Production Audio Production Print Production planning, scripting, storyboarding, blocking, filming, editing, producing, publishing Audio Production microphones, audio mixing and editing, radio broadcasting Print Production elements of graphic design, marketing and advertising
How we Learn
Sample Project Topics Music Video (Practicing Camera Shots and Angles) Stop-Motion Animation Newscast Powtoon Animation Podcast Graphic Design Public Service Announcement
Team and Individual Accountability Teaching Methods Team and Individual Accountability Goal: To help prepare students for future education and careers Behavior Management: Team Hero and Villain Cards and Individual Participation Points Project Evaluations and Reflections
Assignments and Grades Out of 4 points Weighted by Assignment Type Participation Teamwork Activity Quiz Project
eCampus This course is called “Fundamentals of A/V and Print Technology” Almost all assignments are turned in here Some graded in here, some not All grades eventually transferred to Skyward Important Tabs Assignments, Quizzes, Modules
Tips for Success Be POSTIVE and PRODUCTIVE Be in class, and when you can’t, communicate with your team Be POSTIVE and PRODUCTIVE Contribute equitably to your team Follow all directions meticulously from the Teacher, Project Instructions, Grading Rubrics, and eCampus Make sure you complete every step or component and you work effectively with your team to earn maximum points on assignments
Thank you for attending! Best Method of Contact: Request Conferences: Jennifer Thompson 407-320-4621