The Religious Wars 1560-1648
The Religious Wars 1560 to 1648 wars would be fought over religious issues Spain is attempting to rid Western Europe of Protestantism Also fighting the Muslims and Turks Being pulled in too many different directions with war France Catholics are threatened by the French Huguenots Holy Roman Empire re impose Catholicism The Netherlands loves John Calvin! Becoming more and more Protestant Controlled by Spain, want to break with Spain Civil War= Spanish Catholics vs. Dutch Protestants English Civil War=Puritans vs. Church of England Who is the most Protestant?
Habsburg/Valois Wars Fought between 1519-1559, not really religious wars but wars over succession. Habsburg =Holy Roman Empire/ Valois=France King Charles VIII of France invades part of Italy that belonged to the Holy Roman Empire Stop fighting and sign the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis Ran out of resources Both feared Protestantism Results of signing of Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis France keeps H.R.E from controlling all of the Germanic States France relinquishes all claims to Italy in favor of Habsburg Spain
Spain Spanish Religious Wars is a Catholic crusade Phillip II- (Son of Charles V….So he is a Habsburg) Rules under the Golden Age of Spain- the 16th Century Spain at it’s peak: Control Spain, Spanish America, Burgundy and Italy 4 wives: 3 died in Childbirth, most of his children will die at an early age One of his wives was Queen Mary of England No children produced during their marriage El Escorial: Built by Phillip II Royal palace of Spain that acted as both a Monastery & Mausoleum Defeats the Turks in the Battle of Lepanto in the Mediterranean. Tragic Rule
Spain The Dutch Revolt William I of Orange (1533-1584) The Habsburg family controlled the “low country” since the 15th century The Netherlands is valuable to Spain because of trade Spain wants the Dutch to be Catholic William I of Orange (1533-1584) Lead the Dutch to revolt against the Spanish Catholics Phillip II will execute any Dutch leaders who sides with Protestants William I of Orange considered a heretic by Phillip II Phillip II orders the Duke of Alba to march into the Netherlands to execute any Protestants. Duke of Alba led the Council of Blood=Inquisition William I of Orange will lead 7 of the Northern Provinces of the Netherlands against The southern 10 provinces remain loyal to Phillip II
Spain In 1581, the Dutch are going to declare their independence from the Spanish The United Provinces of the Netherlands/Dutch Republic Need help to fight against Spain and Phillip II, the Dutch turn to Queen Elizabeth in England 10 southern provinces will remain loyal to Phillip II and these provinces will be known as the Spanish Netherlands. (Modern-day Belgium) Northern provinces become the Dutch Republic The shift of economic centers from Antwerp to Amsterdam is when the Dutch close trading access of the Scheldt River In 1609 a truce is signed between the United Provinces of the Netherlands and Phillip II
Spain vs. England Queen Mary of England (Bloody Mary) was married to Phillip II of Spain No Children produced during their marriage Phillip II proposes to her sister Queen Elizabeth, she denies his proposal Queen Elizabeth aides the Netherlands during the Dutch Revolts Phillip II is upset that Elizabeth would aid the Protestants and he wants revenge and to return England to Catholicism 1588, Spanish Armada 130 Spanish ships enter the English Channel and pick up troops in the Spanish Netherlands Sir Francis Drake of England has the concept of lighting small English ships on fire and sailing into the Spanish Armada Spanish suffer a crushing blow—1588=Spanish decline/English domination
France French Civil Wars were 9 wars from 1562-1598 Francis I is fighting with Charles V in Italy Protestantism sneaks into France while Francis I is in Italy Henry II married to Catherine de Medici Dies in 1559 at the signing Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis Treaty which ends the Habsburg/Valois wars and France relinquishes all claims to Italy in favor of Habsburg Spain Francis II becomes King of France at 15, Catherine de Medici rules as his regent Power struggle will begin between 3 families for the French crown Vaolis, Bourbon & Guise 40%-50% of nobles became Protestant to gain independence from the crown
France Valois-Catholic—-Bourbon-Protestant----Guise-”super” Catholics Francis II is married off to Mary Queen of Scots when they are 14 He dies at 16 from an ear infection/brain abscess Charles IX (Valois) becomes King of France at age 9, Catherine de Medici will rule as his regent Catherine de Medici as regent offers the Huguenots religious freedoms by allowing worships in open fields. Upsets the Guise family and reach out to other Catholics for help against Valois & Bourbons 10 year civil war between Catholics and Protestants Valois & Bourbon’s feeling threatened by the Guise family Catherine de Medici has her daughter Margaret (Valois) marry Henry of Navarre (Bourbon)
France St. Bartholomew Day Massacre In 1572, Protestants come to the wedding of Henry of Navarre (Protestant, Bourbon) and Margaret de Valois (Catholic, Valois) Supposed to be the reconciliation between the Catholics and Protestants. A Huguenot leader was killed a night before the wedding by Henry Guise…..Gruesome….. Huguenots seek protection from the King and the Valois Charles IX begins murdering Huguenots, fears Protestant revolt 20,000 Protestants killed Charles IX felt guilty for the killing of the Protestants Charles IX dies shortly after of TB….He has no children=no heir
France Henry III becomes King of France (brother of Charles IX) Last Valois King Henry III=No children, no heir Line of succession- Henry of Navarre (Husband of his sister) War of the Three Henry’s Henry III- Valois King Henry of Navarre- Husband of Margaret de Medici (Protestant) Henry Duke of Guise- Super Catholic Henry III has Henry the Duke of Guise assassinated Henry III will be assassinated in return Henry of Navarre becomes Bourbon King of France Henry IV is the first Bourbon King of France
France Henry IV is Politique just like Queen Elizabeth I of England Protestant but he is going to what is most advantageous for him Henry IV converts to Catholicism-politically advantageous for him as King First order as a Catholic he will issue the Edict of Nantes Allows certain religious freedoms to Huguenots Allows for private worship (except super Catholic towns=Paris) Creates 200 fortified towns for Huguenots for protection from Catholics Protestants can hold public office and go to Universities Gives Huguenots more religious protection than any other group in Europe at the time.
Thirty Years War (1618-1648) Most important war of the 17th century! Peace of Augsburg of 1555 failed...worked for a while, but failed Fails to include Calvinist Thirty Years War occurs in 4 Stages: Bohemia Phase 1618-1625 Danish Phase 1624-1629 Swedish Phase 1630-1635 French Phase 1635- 1648 Bohemian Phase (1618-1625) Begins with the Defenestration of Prague Ferdinand II- Holy Roman Emperor a.k.a King of Bohemia begins restricting Protestantism in the Bohemia and begins closing Protestant churches Two representatives of the H.R.E meet with the Protestants to discuss issues
Thirty Years War Bohemian Phase cont. Catholics win the Bohemian Phase Two H.R.E Representatives are literally thrown out the window of the meeting. Holy Roman Emperor starts killing protestants in response H.R.E will even hire mercenary soldiers to help fight against Protestants Catholics win the Bohemian Phase Protestant nations will begin assisting Protestants of Bohemia Danish Phase (1625-1629) King Christian IV (Lutheran) of Denmark to assist the Protestants Albrecht von Wallenstein (Protestant) paid by Ferdinand II (H.R.E) to fight against the Protestants Ferdinand II will issue the Edict of Restitution stating any lands taken away from the Catholic Church will return to the church Danish Phase is the height for Catholics Will outlaw Calvinism and the Anabaptist-Allow Lutheranism (P.o.A)
Thirty Years War cont. Swedish Phase (1630-1635) Successful at first by liberating lands seized by Catholics during the Danish phase Ferdinand II fires Albrecht von Wallenstein…questioned loyalty Gustavus Adolphus= (King of Sweden) Led an army of 100k to push Catholics back into Bohemia Subsidized by the French Kings..French want to weaken the Habsburgs Gustavus Adolphus was killed during the Swedish Phase and looks like the Catholics will win the Swedish Phase French Phase a.k.a International Phase (1635-1648) Albrecht von Wallenstein turns on Ferdinand II and he will have Wallenstein assassinated. Cardinal Richelieu is truly the one running the French position, he works for the Bourbon Kings
Thirty Years War cont. French Phase (1635-1648) Cardinal Richelieu will ally with the Protestants like the Habsburg/Valois Wars He wants to defeat the H.R.E Allow he is Catholic he wants to keep Germany fragmented so France does not have strong country along it’s Eastern border Cardinal Richelieu considered a Politique French Phase drags on and on and on ….end up calling a truce Treaty of Westphalia (1648) Ends the Thirty Years War Renewal of the Peace of Augsburg but adds Calvinism Peace of Augsburg had been falling apart Not re-imposing Catholicism on the people Holy Roman Empire is dissolving
Treaty of Westphalia Treaty of Westphalia cont. The 300 separate states of H.R.E become sovereign states Still a Holy Roman Emperor, however he really has no power States can not declare war on the Holy Roman Emperor Netherlands and Switzerland gain independence France gains the lands of Alsace Sweeden gains lands Brandenburg gains lands….they eventually become Prussia Habsburgs are weakened Spain crumbling after the defeat of the Spanish Armada Austria Habsburgs lose influence in Austria Holy Roman Empire will exist in name only until 1806
Treaty of Westphalia cont. Results of the Treaty of Westphalia German lands and infrastructure are destroyed German lands are divided France considered the biggest winner of the Thirty Years’ War Do not have a strong Germany on their Eastern border Holy Roman Empire (Habsburgs) is weakened Begins France’s rise to power in Europe Great Britain will also benefit because they will stay out of the Thirty Year’s war The Netherlands will rise because they gain independence from Spain The rise of Prussia