BULL SHARK (Carcharhinus leuca)
kingdom/ animalia Phylum/ chordate Class/ chondrichthyes Order/ carcharhiniformes Family/ carcharhinidae Genus/ carcharhinus Species/ c. leucas
Male bull sharks can grow up to 7 ft and weigh up to 200 lb. Female bull sharks can grow up to 11.5 ft and weigh up to 700 lb.
Bull sharks can be found in warm coastal areas, in rivers and lakes, and occasionally in salt and fresh water streams. Bull sharks eat fish, other sharks, rays, dolphins, turtles, birds, and crustaceans.
Bull sharks are one of the few fish that can live in fresh and salt water. They are also extremely territorial and will attack other animals including humans that enter their territory.
Human impact is that many bull sharks are killed by humans either for sport or from the fear of being attacked in fresh water lakes.