Public Works committee: Emerald Ash Borer management plan July 13, 2010
Ash Trees in Northbrook The number of parkway Ash trees currently in the Village is 2,831, or 19% of our parkway tree population. There are roughly eight different types of Ash trees located within our parkways.
3 Year EAB Plan Education and outreach efforts Update all Ash tree condition ratings Continued investigation of potential EAB cases/areas Identifying trees for removal Plan for reforestation of removed trees Identifying trees for possible treatment with pesticides Investigation and possible removal of private trees with EAB Creating certified contractor lists Formalizing the proposed plan
1. Education & Outreach Recommendation: Cost: EAB Frequently Asked Questions On Website Village newsletter updates Information programming on NCTV 17 and website video streaming Pamphlets for distribution Meetings with Homeowner Associations Cost: Will use captured labor and existing budgeted commodities
2. Update Ash Tree Condition Ratings Recommendation: Village certified arborists will review the condition of all parkway Ash trees and re-rate them Will create a baseline that will help guide EAB management tasks Cost: Will use captured labor and equipment to perform the work. Will need to prioritize workforce and services provided.
3. Continued Investigation Recommendation: During rating, suspect trees will be identified and more detailed investigation will be performed within the ¼ mile inspection area. Cost: Will use captured labor and equipment to perform the work. Will need to prioritize workforce and services provided. Looking for D-shaped exit holes Review of select branches for larval galleries
4. ID Trees for Removal Recommendation: Costs: Removal of all Ash trees rated 3, 4 or 5 within the next 3 years Costs: Removal of 400+ tress at various rates would be roughly $96,000 over the three year period.
5. Plan for Reforestation Recommendation: Replace any parkway Ash tree removed due to accelerated removal or confirmed infestation. This will allow us to diversify our urban forest Costs: 400+ trees to replace Ash Trees removed at the current tree cost of $400 for a 3” tree= $165,000 over the three year period
6. Tree Treatment with Pesticides Recommendation: Protect and preserve the highest quality Ash trees that are of a reasonable size (rated a “1” with a diameter of 12”) After 3 years staff would staff would assess the success of the treatments Cost: The cost of the injection of Tree-Age is approximately $7/diameter inch (2010 bid rate) 223 trees= $25,00 during the first year
7. Investigation of Private Trees Recommendation: When EAB on parkway trees is found, the adjacent property owners within the area will be notified of the infestation. They would then be encouraged to review their private trees and take the appropriate actions In the event that an Ash tree with EAB becomes a hazard, the current code allows for the enforcement of removal EAB trees on private property Cost: Will use captured labor and existing budgeted commodities
8. Creating Certified Contractor List Recommendation: Use separate competitive bidding process to secure contracts for EAB tree removal and injections Prepare a listing of certified contractors that are capable of providing these services to resident for private trees Cost: Will use captured labor and existing budgeted commodities
9. Formalizing Plan Recommendation: Cost: Create a formalized EAB Management Plan document which details the Villages policy for the next three years. It will include, essential information about the plan, summary data for individual trees, treatment schedules and anticipated reforestation timeline Cost: Will use captured labor and existing budgeted commodities