Introduction Donghyuk Shin from U. of Edinburgh Lecturer at Mechanical Engineering Overall research interest Turbulent flame modelling using asymptotic methods Unsteady turbulent shear flows Turbulent jets (Automotive engines) Swirling flows (Gas turbines) Code improvement for scalable/efficient CFD codes
Representative research 1 DNS of fully stopping/restarting jets Developing a model for the unsteady behavior Re = 7,300
Sharable research resource 1 Turbulent inflow subroutine* Generate 3D velocity components satisfying Incompressible Given integral length scale Given the Reynolds stress tensor A generic 1D Hamilton-Jacobin equation solver Can deal with cusps and shocks * A. Smirnov, S. Shi, and I. Celik, “Random flow generation technique for large eddy simulations and particle-dynamics modeling,” J. Fluids Eng. 123, 359–371, 2001.
Ideas for the later group discussion: getting the work done In the proposal, we promised Producing best-practice guides for simulation, experiment, and mathematical modelling. Which subgroup are you interested in? What contents should we put in? Research data sharing Code sharing The numerical code does not need to be a full CFD code, it can be a small subroutine generating turbulent inflows, or subroutines for image processing, etc. How you think about this work packages? Can you suggest any amendment?
Ideas for the later group discussion: Going beyond Your opinions about developing the SIG further Joint research proposals? Joint CDT? Merging with other SIGs or other research groups Propose a mini symposia? Such as in ECFD 2018 (