Color Theory Ms. Stanberry
Primary Colors: Colors at their basic essence; those colors that cannot be created by mixing others... red, blue, yellow
Secondary Colors The colors achieved by a mixture of two primaries... violet, orange, green
Tertiary Colors The colors achieved by a mixture of primary and secondary hues.. red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow-orange
Complementary Colors The colors located opposite each other on a color wheel. Christmas Red and Green Easter Violet and Yellow Football Blue and Orange
Hue Pure color without the addition of black, white, or gray.
Color (Hue) with white added. Tint Color (Hue) with white added.
Color (Hue) with gray or its Tone Color (Hue) with gray or its complement added. Tint Shade is when black is added to a color (hue)
The relative darkness or lightness of a color. Value The relative darkness or lightness of a color. Monochromatic
Warm Colors The colors between yellow and red-purple make up the warm colors.
Alphonse Mucha
Cool Colors The colors from yellow-green to purple are usually called cool colors.
Georgia O’Keeffe
Milton Avery
Winslow Homer
Van Gough
Exploring Color Theory Resource Exploring Color Theory