ESSENTIAL QUESTION In what ways did the Enlightenment and American Revolution influence the course of the French Revolution?
Causes of the Revolution Louis’ Financial Problems Food Shortage in France Tax increase to help pay off debt from the American Revolution The lavish lives of Royalty & the nobility
Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Inherited debt from predecessors Borrowed money to help finance the American Revolution Marie was a foreigner and was hated from the time she set foot in France. Both are executed during the revolution King of France during revolution Considered a weak leader Ill prepared for his role as king of France Extravagant spending for personal use Inherited debt from predecessors Borrowed money to help finance the American Revolution Louis was easily bored with affairs of state Critics accused him of being detached from the plight of 3rd estate
Calling of The Estates General Louis calls the Estates General (representative body) to raise taxes in order to alleviate debt 3rd Estate always outvoted by 1st & 2nd 3rd Estate locked out of the meeting when they suggest reforms They break from the 1st & 2nd estate and create: The National Assembly
Tennis Court Oath “National Assembly” declares that they would continue their meeting until they had a new Constitution on June 20th 1789 Reformers from other estates join the cause.
The Tennis Court Oath
Revolution Begins: The Storming of the Bastille July 14th, 1789 citizens of Paris storm the medieval castle/prison called the Bastille. Symbolic act of Revolution as it destroyed an image of the old regime and Divine Right Ideology Gave birth to a revolutionary spirit of equality and brotherhood
Bastille Day July 14th, 1789
The Declaration of Rights of Man August 27, 1789—created by the National Assembly Influenced by Enlightenment and American Declaration of Independence “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
The Declaration stated: 1. All people are equal before the law. 2. All people are guaranteed freedom of speech, press ,and religion. 3. All people are protected from unfair arrest and punishment.
Revolution Explodes Two major groups of revolutionaries: Girondists & Jacobins Jacobins were radicals and wanted MAJOR revolutionary changes Girondists were more moderate and wanted change, just not by any means necessary Louis
The Reign of Terror Brought on by Robespierre & Jacobins Executed those against the revolution or those who had counter revolutionary ideas Thousands of counter revolutionaries are executed by the “National Razor” from September 1793—July 1794 Louis
"Show my head to the people, it is worth seeing." Robespierre was killed in 1794 ending the Reign of Terror
The Directory A new government was established after Robespierre called “The Directory” A “representative” council that ruled France from Paris It was very corrupt and had many enemies In 1799 it was overthrown by a powerful French General named Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon and the Rise of Nationalism