How Many Colours in the Rainbow? Sorting using colour, size and shape Pattern/symmetry with colour Doubling and halving numbers Using coloured foods for counting, adding and subtracting Handling data- favourite colour chart Mathematics Personal, Social and Emotional Development Literacy, Communication and Language Elmer the Elephant The Very Hungry Caterpillar Chameleon’s Crazy Colours Colour words/adjectives Phonics/simple sentences Invitation writing Lists/recounts/labels Imaginative role play in the rainbow ice monster igloo! Saying thank you after Christmas Exploring feelings about favourite colours Working together in coloured teams Organising a colour monster party How Many Colours in the Rainbow? Understanding the World (Science, Geography, ICT) Expressive Arts Exploring colour in the environment Naming, in order, the rainbow colours Exploring and tasting different coloured foods Mixing colours Chinese New Year Shrove Tuesday Why is the word God important to Christians Special bible stories Daily music- listening and interpreting Exploring Colour in different mediums Creating colour monsters Big painting Creating a colourful igloo Physical Development Keeping healthy/eating colourful healthy foods Outdoor games in coloured teams Fresh Air Friday activities: Colour walk, large construction equipment, sand/soil/water play gymnastics Painting/drawing/craft to improve fine motor skills