Highbury Quadrant Primary School Readiness Nursery 2016-2017 Highbury Quadrant Primary School Readiness
Respect Achievement and Positivity Our Ethos To support children to reach their full potential through play based learning. Our core values are: Respect Achievement and Positivity
Staff Teachers – Premilla Pillay and Hannah Oti Nursery Nurses – Frances Martin and Nurhayat Yildiz Support Staff– Roza Beraki and Naila Hussain Parents would have been introduced to their child's key person during home visits.
Daily Routine 9am : Self registration and carpet time 9.10: Child initiated play – indoors 9.30: Indoor and outdoor play. Guided activities 10am: Snack time 11.10 – Tidy up time 11.20: Carpet time 11.30: Getting ready for lunch. Washing hands. 11:45: Lunchtime
Daily Routine continued… 12pm: AM children go home 12.30: PM children arrive and self register 12:30 – 12:45: Carpet time with lunchtime supervisors 12.45 - 2.45: Child initiated play and adult led guided activities 2.45: Tidy up time 3pm: Carpet time 3.15: Getting ready to go home 3.30: Home time
Key person It is a statutory requirement for a child to have a key person so that they can form good relationships with the adults around them. A key person is a named member of staff with responsibilities for a group of children who helps those children in the group feel secure and cared for. Key person will always communicate and pass on the information with other adults in the setting.
The Early Years Framework “Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside.” These are also known as the characteristics of effective learning.
Learning through Play Enables children to develop their language and communication through talking, sharing and listening to their friends. Helps them to become independent learners. Helps them to develop reading and writing skills within meaningful contexts e.g. role play.
Summary of the seven areas of learning – Prime Areas Personal Social Emotional Development (PSED) involves making relationships, self confidence and self awareness and managing their own feelings and behaviour. Communication and Language involves your child's listening and attention, their understanding and speaking skills. Physical development involves moving and handling and health and self care.
Specific Areas Literacy involves reading and writing. Parents can help with this by reading with their child. Mathematics involves counting numbers in order and recognising simple shapes.
Specific areas continued… Understanding the world involves recognising people and communities, the world and technology. Expressive Arts and Design involves exploring and using media and materials and being imaginative. This includes using musical instruments. Detailed information can be found in the packs that were given to you, we recommend you to have a look, it is very useful!
Topics Topics are usually based around the children’s interest. For example we might learn about animals, transport, or traditional stories. Our topic this term is “My School.”
Assessments We track the children’s progress in all seven areas through daily observations, notes and samples of work in their learning journeys. We value parents’ contributions to their child’s learning.
Nursery’s General Information Every Monday morning the PE Coach and the art teacher will be covering the teachers PPA time. Library books will be changed once a week. Uniform – Please ensure your child has the correct uniform and is clearly labelled with their name. Please ensure they have a set of spare clothes in Nursery.
Personal Social and Emotional Development Working Together Construction
Literacy – Writing/Mark Making
Physical development Outdoor Play NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Physical development Outdoor Play
Understanding the World Use of technology NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Understanding the World Use of technology
Expressive Arts and Design NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Expressive Arts and Design Exploring Colour and painting
NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.