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Presentation transcript:


INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe INSPIRE INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe

INSPIRE STATE-OF-THE-ART IN EUROPE INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe STATE-OF-THE-ART IN EUROPE Many data, but difficult to find due to poor documentation: Even after the data has been found, access to it is often impossible because of restriction policies; Lack of coordination between the states and between the different levels of governance within the state; Lack of standards and interoperability of information and information systems; Even when these obstacles have been overcome, quite often the data does not allow multiple use or it cannot be easily integrated with other data.

WHY THE ENVIRONMENT? Changes in the environment and challenges: changes in the environment have a familiar increasing impact on economy and human social behaviour; new challenges: • adaptation to climatic changes; • early warning and mitigation of the consequences of natural disasters; • natural resources management and biodiversity preservation.

VISION OF THE INSPIRE DIRECTIVE 2007/2/ЕО The Directive pertains to existing data in electronic form that are maintained at a level making theme efficient to a maximum extent. The Directive stipulates the possibility to combine spatial data from different sources across the Community in a consistent way and share them between different users and applications. The spatial information, necessary for taking adequate management decisions at all levels should be reached under conditions that do not prevent its wide use. The spatial information should be easy to discover and meet the needs for specific use or the conditions that allow it to be acquired and used. The spatial data should be easy to understand and interpret that will result in diligent documentation and visualisation in a suitable context chosen by the user of such data.

INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe INSPIRE INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe Requires Web-based on-line services for Europe, related to preservation of the environment, and in particular: boundaries, addresses, parcels, hydrographic network, geology, geomorphology, ortho-images, land cover, mineral resources, risk zones, land use, protected sites, environmental monitoring, agriculture, meteorology, oceanography, biotopes, habitats, population distribution, health and safety, energy resources, etc. The objective is to ensure a single infrastructure of geo-data and geo-information in the European Community, facilitating cross-border use of spatial data in Europe. The Directive came into force on 15 May 2007 and within two years, i.e. by 15 May 2009 it has to be transposed/implemented in the legislative system of each EU member-state.

INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe INSPIRE INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe Requires establishment of the so-called geo-portals (national, municipal, dedicated), facilitating on-line discovery, view and download data services. Requires the creation of metadata (information describing spatial data) for existing spatial data sets and services, compliant to international standards and regulations issued by the EC. Regulates the legal framework for establishment of a harmonised infrastructure of geo-data and geo-information in EU member-states. Does not regulate special and technical details, that imposes the adoption of rules, legally binding in each state that will be developed in phases.

INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe INSPIRE INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe Ensures transparency of the environmental policy, since the Directive makes the environmental data publicly available. Removes the barriers before the use of spatial data, since the infrastructure ensures their exchange between the individual institutions within each state and between the states themselves. Demonstrates the extremely high potential of spatial data and geo-information and enables the ordinary user to use them. Serves the citizens, science, economy and governance. Serves planning and decision-making, related to spatial information. Gives security to investments since it requires continuous updating of spatial information.

WHAT IS „INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SPATIAL INFORMATION”? Framework of data, technologies, policies, standards and human resources, needed for facilitating the distribution, integration and use of spatial information. The term „infrastructure” is used for the definition of hardware and data (for example, in railways equivalent to wagons, power lines, rails, railway stations), but also of the necessity of coordinating structures and international standards and agreements (for dimensions, time-schedules, safety rules, signaling, etc.), without which the system would not operate completely and safely.

THE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SPATIAL INFORMATION INCLUDES: - metadata; - spatial data sets and services; - network services and technologies; - agreements on sharing, access and use; - coordination and monitoring mechanisms; - processes and procedures.

Annex I 1. Coordinate reference systems 2. Geographical grid systems 3. Geographical names 4. Administrative units 5. Addresses 6. Cadastral parcels 7. Transport networks 8. Hydrography 9. Protected sites Annex II 1. Relief 2. Land cover 3. Ortho imagery 4. Geology Annex III 1. Statistical units 2. Buildings 3. Soil 4. Land use 5. Human health and safety 6. Utility and governmental services 7. Environmental monitoring facilities 8. Production and industrial facilities 9. Agricultural and aquaculture facilities 10. Population distribution – demography 11. Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units 12. Natural risk zones 13. Atmospheric conditions 14. Meteorological geographical features 15. Oceanographic geographical features 16. Sea regions 17. Bio-geographical regions 18. Habitats and biotopes 19. Species distribution 20. Energy resources 21. Mineral resources

SPATIAL DATA ACCESS ACT SDAA pertains to existing data in electronic format, that are held on behalf of a public authority, having been produced, or being managed and updated by that authority, and fall within the scope of its public tasks; SDAA pertains to existing data in electronic format, that have been produced and are being managed and updated by third parties, providing public services; SDAA gives definitions of terms and notions in order to standardise the terminology and content with which the EU Member States will work in the process of establishing the European infrastructure for spatial information; SDAA defines the basic requirements on establishing the national spatial data infrastructure, as defined in Directive 2007/2/ЕО INSPIRE, abiding by the requirements on harmonisation of the national legislation with the European legislation; SDAA defines the regulatory and control mechanisms regarding the establishment of the spatial data infrastructure and the corresponding administrative and penal liabilities of entities responsible for the implementation of the Act. SPATIAL DATA ACCESS ACT 13

SPATIAL DATA ACCESS ACT Chapter One: GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter Two: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SPATIAL INFORMATION Section І: Spatial data Section ІІ: Metadata Section ІІІ: National portal for spatial data Chapter Three: SPATIAL DATA SERVICES Section І: Services Section ІІ: Interoperability and standards Chapter Four: REGULATION AND CONTROL Chapter Five: ADMINISTRATIVE AND PENAL LIABILITIES ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS Annexes 1, 2 and 3. SPATIAL DATA ACCESS ACT 14

Article 4. (1) This Act shall be implemented by the executive power authorities, local self-government authorities and organisations that, by virtue of normative acts, collect, produce and maintain updated spatial data bases in connection with the implementation of their authorities and provide public services. (2) Third parties, other than the entities under Article 1, can provide spatial data and services, produced and maintained by them, within the infrastructure for spatial information. 15

Article 4. (5) The exchange of spatial data sets and services shall be carried out through the National portal for spatial data. Article 12. (1) The National portal for spatial data shall provide access to spatial data sets, metadata and spatial data services of various sources in a unified way. (2) The entities under Article 4, para. 1 and 2 provide access to the spatial data sets, metadata and spatial data services through the National portal for spatial data. (3) The National portal for spatial data shall provide services related to reference data sets. (4) The National portal for spatial data shall be established and operated by the Executive Agency "Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems" to the minister of transport, information technologies and communications. 16

Article 19. (1) The minister of transport, information technology and communications shall pursue the state policy in the field of spatial data infrastructure. Article 20. (1) The minister of transport, information technology and communications shall perform the functions of a national contact body with the European Commission on issues related to the harmonisation of the conditions for access to the national data sets on the part of the European Union. Article 21. (1) The minister of transport, information technology and communications shall be the regulatory and control body for regulation and control of the spatial data infrastructure. Article 23. While exercising his authorities under this Act, the minister of transport, information technologies and communications shall be assisted by: 1. Executive Agency "Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems"; 2. Interdepartmental Council on Spatial Data, hereinafter called “Interdepartmental Council”. 17

Regulation No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata; Regulation No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Network Services; Regulation No 268/2010 of 29 March 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the access to spatial data sets and services of the Member States by Community institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions; Decision No 2009/442/EC of 5  June 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards monitoring and reporting. REGULATIONS 18

DRAFT COMMISSION REGULATIONS Draft Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 976/2009 as regards download services and transformation services - 14.12.2009 Draft Commission Regulation on implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services - 14.12.2009 Draft Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 976/2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services - 17.06.2010 DRAFT COMMISSION REGULATIONS 19

TECHNICAL GUIDES IMPLEMENTING RULES Guidelines for encoding spatial data (D.2.7, V.3.2) 02.08.2010 INSPIRE Generic conceptual model (D 2.5, V.3.3) 18.06.2010 Definition of annex themes and scope (D 2.3, V.3.0) 03.10.2008 Methodology for the development of data specifications: baseline version (D 2.6, Version 3.0) 20.06.2008 Implementing rules on download services Implementing rules on transformation services Implementing rules on INSPIRE spatial data services Implementing rules on monitoring and reporting TECHNICAL GUIDES IMPLEMENTING RULES 20

Data specification on addresses, v.3.0.1 - 03.05.2010 Data specification on protected sites, v.3.1.0 - 03.05.2010 Data specification on administrative units, v.3.0.1- 03.05.2010 Data specification on cadastral parcels, v.3.0.1 - 03.05.2010 Data specification on geographical grid systems, v.3.0.1 - 03.05.2010 Data specification on hydrography, v.3.0.1- 03.05.2010 Data specification on transport networks, v.3.1 - 03.05.2010 Data specification on coordinate reference systems, v.3.1 - 03.05.2010 Data specification on geographical names, v.3.0.1 - 03.05.2010 DATA SPECIFICATIONS 21

MILESTONES MILESTONE DATE DESCRIPTION 15 May 2010 Implementation of provisions for monitoring and reporting 03 December 2010 Availability of metadata for spatial data in accordance with Annex I and II 19 October 2011 Implementation of Regulation as regards to the access to spatial data sets and services of the Member States by Community institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions 09 November 2011 Operational discovery and view services June 2012 Newly collected and extensively restructured available spatial data sets from Annex I December 2012 Operational transformation and download services 22

IMPENDING TASKS To create a national concept on the establishment of an infrastructure for spatial information on the national portal for access to spatial data; Each state structure should make a survey on the available spatial data and their compliance with the requirements of the Spatial Data Access Act and the effective Regulations of the EC; Setting up state expert capacity for establishment and operation of theinfrastructure for spatial data and for ensuring its sustainability; Drafting a Roadmap, including stages and deadlines for establishing the infrastructure for spatial information, conforming to the deadlines in the Regulations. 23