Harry the Clever Spider By Julia Jarman & Charlie Fowkes 1 Before Reading: 2 Making Connections 3 Reading Fluently Look at the front cover. Do you think this is a fiction or a non-fiction book? How do you think Harry the Spider might be clever? Write down 2 ideas of clever things he might do. Find a partner. First one partner reads p 6-8. Then the next partner reads p 6-8. Make your reading sound exciting. Help your partner with tricky words. 1. What was Mum looking for? Harry helped Clare find something they had lost. Think of a time you lost something. What did you lose? Who helped you to find it? Where was it? 4 Answer This! 6 Making Connections 5 Harry the Clever Spider By Julia Jarman & Charlie Fowkes (Big Cats) If you have a pet, think about your pet. If you do not have a pet, think about a pet you would like to have. Where was Clare going to keep Harry? Where would you keep your pet? What tricks can Harry do? What tricks would you like to teach your pet? Where did Clare find Harry? Why did they need to go to the dentist? Where did Mum and Dad tell Clare to put Harry the spider? Where did Clare put Harry? How did Harry help the family? 7 Figure it out 8 Exploring Words 9 Picture This! Adjectives Adjectives describe nouns. Read p 6. Write down the 3 adjectives Charlie uses to describe Harry Read p 21. Write down the 4 adjectives that Clare uses to describe Harry Look at p 22-23. This is a poster to describe the helpful things Harry can do. Imagine a pet that can help you do things Design a poster about this pet Include 3 helpful things your pet can do Colour your poster Re-read page 7. Why do you think Clare named her spider ‘Harry’?
Harry the Clever Spider 1 Before Reading: 2 Making Connections 3 Reading Fluently I can Make connections between something in my book and something that happened to me Write about the connections I’ve made I can Take turns with a partner Use punctuation to help me read with expression Answer my question I can Look at the front cover and decide if my book is fiction or non-fiction Write down 2 ideas about how Harry the Spider might be clever 4 Answer This! 5 6 Making Connections Harry the Clever Spider Success Criteria I can Make connections between something in my book and something that I could do Write about the connections I’ve made Answer my questions I can Read my book carefully Answer questions about my story 7 Figure it out? 8 Exploring Words 9 Picture This! I can Identify the adjectives that Charlie and Clare used to describe Harry Write the adjectives down I can Use what I know to help me understand something that happened in my story. I can Design a poster about a helpful pet Use the poster on p 22-23 to help me Write down 3 helpful things this pet can do Colour my poster