Home learning this term In Literacy we will… Be Exploring the story of ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet to retell orally and innovate our own stories. Become independent writers, using our developing Sounds~Write skills. Plan and write our own superhero stories. This term our topic is… ‘To the rescue’ Home learning this term This term we will be completing Home Learning though our new Maths Passports. These will be stuck in the back of you child’s reading log and will involve varied challenges and games for the children to complete at home. More information on this will be available after Christmas. Your child will also continue to bring home a reading bookmark to practise their reading skills. These bookmarks will only contain words with the sounds we have learnt so far. These words can be read alongside their reading book. I will pop a sticker on the bookmark once I feel they are confident at reading the words independently. Please write in their link book when you read together and we will do the same at school. In Physical Development we will… Know ways to keep fit and healthy Be exploring movement through Gymnastic with our new PE coach Move under, over and through using our amazing laser maze. In Understanding the World we will… Use ICT to create a comic strip and type for writing Explore our senses through a variety of ‘super’ challenges Learn about real life superheroes that help us on a daily basis Learn about the best ways to look after our planet In Expressive Art and Design we will… Invent and design our very own superheroes Study comic pictures and explore use of colour to achieve the artists look Other business PE will be on a Wednesday this term. All children will need a pair of black shorts, a red Tshirt and black daps in school ever day. I will send kits home at the end of the term for washing. There will be no gardening next term. Instead the children will have dance and gymnastic lessons with a coach from Activie Trowbridge on Wednesdays. Books bags with home school diary must be in school everyday. Tuesday 10th 2017 at 2PM. Maths Passport Session for all parents more details to follow Swimming will be on Monday 6th February 2017, Continuing the following term. In PSED we will… Be working as a ‘super’ team and using skills to help us become independent learners Using stories ‘Giraffes can’t dance’ and ‘Marvin wanted more’ to explore our emotions In Mathematics we will… Begin to know ways of making 5 and 10 Use + and – signs when recording simple number sums Know one more and one less than a given number to 20 Know how to count in tens and fives In Communication and Language we will… Use alliteration to describe a superhero Continue to speak in full sentences Tell stories orally and learn a open by heart