Chain of Being Orsino: “Give me thy hand, And let me see in thy woman’s weeds” (5.1.285-286). Viola= hand woman weeds low lower lowest (not head) (than man) (vegetative class)
Chain of Being Olivia: “If one should be a prey, how much the better / To fall before the lion than the wolf” (3.1.135-136). “prey” & “fall” indicates submission to man Orsino= lion Cesario= wolf (highest) (lower)
The Elements Viola: “If I did love you in my master’s flame…In your denial I would find no sense” (1.5.266-268). Orsino= flame (highest)= his love is the highest element…he is of the highest class.
The Heavenly Hierarchy/Fate HEAVENLY HEIRACHY Viola: “Most excellent and accomplished lady, the heavens rain odors on you!” (3.1.86-87). Olivia= blessed by heavens; rain (water) lower element establishing her womanly place FATE Olivia’s letter, “In my stars I am above thee…”(2.5.147-148). “stars” are responsible for the realms below the moon. Olivia is of a higher class than Malvolio.
The Humors & Spirits Earth= Black Bile/Melancholy (a thoughtful ponderer) Water= Phlegm (calm, unemotional, self-content & kind) Air= Sanguine/Blood (arrogant, cocky, indulgent, confident) Fire= Choler (doer, leader, ambition, energy, passion)
Man as Microcosm (Humor/Spirits) Heart= often with Viola, Orsino, and Olivia Orsino: “How will she love when the rich golden shaft…when liver, brain, and heart, these sovereign thrones, are all supplied, and filled her sweet perfections with one self king! “(1.1.37-41) She will be completely balanced (of humor and spirits… sanguine=liver, phlegm= brain) when she is in love with me (top of the chain).
MI & the Chain of Being CONTENT: Translate the concepts of the Chain of Being using the assigned intelligence (see handout). Be sure to observe the following requirements: CONTENT: All 4 parts of the chain should be represented Elements should be included At least 1 primate should be exemplified Bodily hierarchy should be included The role of chaos should be addressed SPECIFICS: Complete in 20 minutes All group members must be involved Group Primate is highlighted (this person is in charge of the assigned work)
Essay: Prewrite Consider the message: Consider the context: Chain of Being (philosophy) Elizabethan England/ No. Renaissance (history) Shakespeare’s Background (Biography) Shakespearean devices (literary) Consider the character(s): Viola Malvolio Orsino Feste Olivia Maria Sebastian Antonio Andrew Toby Fabian Consider the message: Women should be treated equally