Automated Platforms Ulf Andreasson
Different levels of automation No automation- Manual pipetting and preparation of reagents. Semi automated- Robotic pipetting but manual preparation of reagents.
Semi automated Tecan OR Hamilton Biohit HealthCare Other
Semi automated Shaker AND Washer Liquid handling Reader
Different levels of automation No automation- Manual pipetting and preparation of reagents. Semi automated- Robotic pipetting but manual preparation of reagents. Fully automated- Robotic pipetting and ready-to-use reagents.
Fully automated Result in less than 30 min. 101 tests/hour. RA ANALYZER 15 (Euroimmun) Result in less than 30 min. 101 tests/hour. Chemiluminescence detection Performance: QC program(?) Price: ?
Lumipulse G1200 (Fujirebio) Fully automated Lumipulse G1200 (Fujirebio) Lumipulse G600 (Fujirebio) Result in less than 30 min. 120 tests/hour. Chemiluminescence detection Performance: QC program Price: ?
Fully automated Result in less than 20 min. 120 tests/hour. Cobas e 601 (Roche) Result in less than 20 min. 120 tests/hour. Electrochemiluminescence detection. Performance: QC program Price: ?
AD markers on fully automated platforms Ab42 Ab40 T-tau P-tau Euroimmun Q4 2017 Expected soon
AD markers on fully automated platforms Ab42 Ab40 T-tau P-tau Euroimmun Q4 2017 Expected soon Roche Released Prototype
AD markers on fully automated platforms Ab42 Ab40 T-tau P-tau Euroimmun Q4 2017 Expected soon Roche Released Prototype Fujirebio No information Q3 2017
Things to think about Switch in one step? Price? Need for extra infrastructure? Data transfer?