Rethinking marking and feedback. “It’s all about the response”
Whole Class Feedback
The teacher… The pupil… … does a book look after the lesson or after a series of lessons, noting down on a crib sheet noting down class/individual successes, prevalent SPaG errors, misconceptions, cause for concerns, missing work etc. The teacher feeds back to the class as a whole – e.g. via comments on the board, verbal discussion and/or with individuals verbally. Or The teacher plans the next lesson based upon their findings from the book look. Teacher can provide more ‘individual’ for pupils. The pupil… … responds to verbal/displayed feedback relevant to them e.g. a particular task to complete or question to answer. This can be guided by the teacher within the lesson. This approach enables the pupil to reflect on their progress and effort within a lesson. Image source: MrThorntonTeach
Question: “Describe how the effects of an earthquake in a richer part of the world are different from the effects of an earthquake in a poorer part of the world” Get them to copy out the question Introduce why we are doing a timed question – geographers need to be precise and to the point to get the message across clearly (at GCSE). Pick out the word “describe” and ask what this means Say why splitting the answer up into paragraphs is good – easy to read etc Encourage them to create a brief list of 4 things before they start.
DIRT time….USE A GREEN PEN Class EBI’s: Link in facts and figures from the Haiti earthquake (poor world) and Christchurch (New Zealand, rich world) Comparison language… Add a conclusion where You sum up with examples
DIRT time….USE A GREEN PEN Class EBI’s: 4. SPaG Their / there Volunteers Whether Affects / effects
www and ebi: WWW Genuine “next step” marking – not a “dialogue” but targets specifics to “close the understanding” gap (subject / knowledge / skills gaps / literacy, etc. ) Opportunity to praise publically Informs start of next lesson – “spaced learning” Students doing more than me – metacognition principles Workload – not writing the same thing in 30 books. Reading 30 books is quicker than marking 30 books EBI Educating students and parents, “You haven’t marked my work…” Tailoring DIRT activities – support / develop / stretch Specific questions addressing misunderstanding / misconceptions