Bethesda Weekly June 18 – June 24 Happenings This Week Birthdays Prayer Requests on Back Happenings This Week Happy Father’s Day! **Family Promise is This Week!** Sunday 9am Connection Service 10am Sunday School 11am Traditional Service Monday 5-7pm Kid/Youth Bowling Event 7pm UMW Mary Martha Evening Circle Tuesday 10am UMW Suzanna Wesley Circle 1-2pm Youth Bible Study 7pm Board of Stewards Wednesday 1-2pm Youth Bible Study Thursday *No Iron Men’s Bible Study until August* 7am Thursday Morning Prayer Breakfast Friday 7pm Kids/Youth Starry Nights Event 7 Birthdays 18- Susie Sylvester, Wayne Cameron, Lisa Seffrin, & Bethany Gibson 19- Jon Elrod & Melissa Sanders 20- Larry Ford, Tina Capps, & Alexis Usry 23- Vicky McGarity & Judy Walls 24- Sallie Lee & Josh Enloe Vacation Bible School! VBS will be July 24- July 27 6:00- 8:00 pm There are several changes this year to note. VBS will run Monday to Thursday instead of Sunday to Thursday. Also, we will not be serving a meal each night but instead serving a snack. All of this is an effort to make our VBS experience great for our participants and volunteers! Jessica Davis will be the primary contact for VBS with Kimberly Rogers as secondary. They can be reached at and There are Volunteer and Children Registration forms in the Narthex as well as online registration using this link: T-shirts are $10, money due to Jessica by June 29th. There will be a VBS Volunteer meeting Sunday, July 2 at 2pm in the Parlor.